Sidney Powell to release the Kraken

Watch how the Trumpers turn on her like rabid dogs and deny any and all of the dirt she spills.

They're probably already doing it. LOL


And Trump will go on another tirade and call her every name in the book like he does to all "the best people" he hired, only to trash them later on.

trump quotes about him from other people.jpg
Stripped anus gets it all wrong as usual LOL.

Contrary to what the mainstream media report Powell was never Trumps lawyer.

On Eve of Trial Georgia Drops Felony Charges and Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanors

Just got a notice from Sidney via her newsletter email:

“Please Read Friday’s Newsletter

October 19, 2023
Dear Patriots,
Please take a deep breath and Hold Fast!
We are limited on what we can say. Tomorrow is Good News Friday.
Please stay tuned.

Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic”

BEST PART about all this is that she agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants at future trials. They aren't going to like what she has to say ha ha ha .

Against the backdrop of Douglass Mackey (aka Ricky Vaughn) being sentenced to seven months in prison for a Twitter meme, and with the state having unlimited financial resources to drag the Lawfare trial out for months, and with a stacked jury likely in Fulton County, GA, lawyers representing Sidney Powell negotiated a misdemeanor plea deal which Powell has accepted.

Terrible situation for Ms. Powell. Either bankrupt herself proving her innocence against federal prosecutors with unlimited funding, or take a slap on the writ, save her financial health and recover some semblance of her life but be branded by lefties as a ‘traitor’.

It really is a choice between saving your reputation at the cost of your financial life or accepting a plea to get out from under a fascist jackboot who is intent on prosecuting bogus charges until you’re exhausted and bankrupt.
The best part is when these traders are facing jail, they all sequel, admit they are fucking liars, expose the info about their scheme to steal the election.

Yet the MAGA'S here are like FUCK YEAH I WAS ON THE FENCE BUT NOW HE'S MY BOY. 🤡 :hys:

Which we all know they were never on the fence, he was always their boy, and they don't care he's a liar. 🤷‍♂️:checkthisout:
I'll give you that. she's nuttier than a squirrel turd.

I almost feel bad for Pillow Guy. Dude threw everything away for this bullshit 🤷‍♂️
Know what you're saying but I don't even "almost feel bad" for him. I read some of the recent news articles and laugh my ass off actually.
She’s a liar? Republicans are liars? Biden and the democrats are paragons of truth and justice? If they are a politician or an attorney they are fuckin liars. All of them. The only thing you need to ask yourself when you place that order for a shit sandwich is whether you want a 6” or the 12”….