*SOLD* My Modded Marshall Build


Well-known member
Video are in post below

I built this amp 6 years ago with a set of Mark Cameron MM transformers. It started off as a CCV clone but has changed over the years to what I wanted it to be.
It has two independent channels, the gain channel has a footswtichable solo control pot.

Clean channel, two gain stages with cathode follower, pre tone stack master, 3 way bright switch, 3 position clipping switch. Clipping is no diode, 16v, and 20v
Lead channel, three gain stages with cathode follower, pre tone stack master, structure 3 position switch that changes stage two cathode values and bypass cap.
both interstage coupling caps can be changed to 22n to 2.2n independently. 3 position voice switch that changes cathode follower 100k cathode bypass. Options are no bypass(standard), 470p and 1n, very subtle but rolls of a little high freq. 3 position clipping, 16v, none, 12v. The footswitchable solo also changes clipping options, always has clipping on two position, 20v and 2N5400.

Power section features, Presence and depth. Has a 3 way switch for NFB values to 8 ohm tap. 3 way position depth switch like a CCV depth circuit.

Amp runs 540VDC on the plates, new set of JJ KT77 power tubes. I like running KT77 because they can handle the higher screen voltage but I have also had no issues running JJ EL34's.

Headshell is good build but the tolex is low quality, I think the headshell came from Mojotone.

Metro loop installed and can be bypassed with switch on back of amp.

Elevated Heaters

A two button footswitch will be included

Trades, KSR PA50, Fryette PS100 or PS2, Charvel Joe Duplantier mahogany guitar

Two more image links here
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Video 1, clean channel with no clipping and then switched to clipping
Video 2, starts off with no clipping and the switched to 12v zeners. When I use the footswitch I'm switching to the solo channel and have the 2N5400 engaged. At the end of the video using my guitar volume pot to show how the amp clean up pretty well

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Thanks for all comments and likes! I have no interest in starting my own amp business but I did start working for a builder about 9 months ago and concentrating on there amps and prototyping.

Make me an offer
Sounds incredible. Top shelf components and build quality. (And love the Sykes inspired LP!)