Sometimes things just work out...


Active member
I decided a while ago to simplify and go with a single amp, and cab. At the time I had three 1x12s, one 2x12, and one 4x12. I also had four amps. I decided since I like my Archon the most I would sell everything, and get an Archon 25 combo since I just play at home. Well last weekend I sold my last cab, and tonight my last amp is getting a new home, and then later tonight my Archon 25 is getting dropped off. I sure freed up some funds even after ordering a different speaker for the combo.

Total sold $6400
Total spent $1100

Best part is everything is gone just in time for the NAD
I am sitting in a room with 30 guitars, 15 amps, 3 4x12 cabs, 3 2x12 cabs, an ax8, tons of pedals and rack gear and some recording gear.

I couldn't understand a word you said. :D hehe
i cant seem to let go of anything. i love the amps too much,the cabs are too cool,and the guitars were custom made for me.

i decided to get rid of the girlfriend instead. i'd rather keep the gear.

i think i have issues.