Splawn Nitro/Super Comp


New member
Thinking about ordering a 50 Watt EL34 Super Comp.

What is the general consensus around here? Will it cover classic metal or is it simply
a brootz amp? How well will it perform at practice levels? Speaker preferences?

Tell me anything you can. The clips sound great.
What's the general consensus around here? Scott's a great guy, but the mids are weird ;)

Anywho, in all seriousness...they're pretty crushing amps..like a half powered nitro with a mode switch that changes the voicing somewhat...and now with the volume in the effects loop you can squash the amps pretty good for lower volumes..

as far as speakers? You'll get a hundred different replies on that one but most people that have heard them tend to fall in love with the SB25s that you can get through scott..