Suhr/Guthrie Govan clinic at Newcastle College !!


Just thought I'd post about the Suhr/Guthrie Govan clinic I attended at Newcastle College last Monday evening.
The event was sponsored/hosted by GuitarGuitar manager Steve Gray and held at Newcastle College by Brian Emerson who just so happens to be the new guitarist in my band and a fellow Suhr user .

On arrival I at the college I saw a group of four young lads jamming and noodling in the cafe area. I knew one of the young lads and went over, they were all raving about the master class which had been held that afternoon with Guthrie. They all commented on what a really nice approachable guy he was and how they'd learnt so much, most of all they commented on how relaxed and informal the afternoon had been. These young lads were great players by the way, they had some serious chops ..... makes an auld bugga like me sick ... hahahaha.
Great to see a few familiar faces around, a few guitarists I hadn't seen for a long while, all the lads from GuitarGuitar were in attendance but there were still a lot of local players missing who I thought would have moved heaven and earth to be there.

Anyway ... WHAT A NIGHT !!!
Guthrie was amazing and his new signature guitar sounded incredible.
The evening was divided between some playing and chat with Guthrie and some really informative talks form Ed Yoon.
Guthrie played some of his tracks from Erotic Cakes along to backing tracks, played with his looper, and went through the whole process of explaining the features of his new Suhr GG model. What an amazing sounding guitar, I've never heard so many different tones from one instrument. Guthries relaxed and informal manner makes him a joy to listen to, he has a great sense of humour which also comes out in his playing too which was just insane on the evening.
Ed Yoon gave a fantastic talk about Suhr guitars, his involvement with the company and the background of John Suhr too, very informative and very very interesting. Ed is such a sweet guy, very soft spoken and so passionate about Suhr products, he was also a joy to listen to.
Ed talked us through various woods and wood combinations and the effects on tone etc etc this was then backed up by Guthrie playing some other Suhr models which had been supplied by GuitarGuitar. A Landau strat and a Classic, both made from different woods, different fingerboards and pickups etc. It was great to hear them through the same amp side by side, the tonal differences were very interesting.
Amps on the night were the Suhr Badger and the PT100 ( WOW .... want one !!! ) Guthrie gave a great demo on the PT100 displaying the range of tones available on the three channels.
The evening came to a close with Guthrie playing with a young drummer and bass player from the college ..... they were bricking it hahaha but needn't have worried, the playing was superb.

A truly fantastic evening of amazing guitar playing and great tone and a wealth of information provided by Mr Ed Yoon on these wonderful products. It was lovely to meet Ed at last, what a gentleman he is and his customer care is like nothing else I've experienced.

Huge thanks to Ed and Guthrie for bringing this to my home town, to Steve Gray and GuitarGuitar, Brian Emerson and Newcastle College and to all those who came out on an icey cold, dark, wet December evening.
