Thank You Bruce, Ian, Whole Egnater Team


New member
My Renegade 2x12 came in yesterday. That thing is a dream. I only played it for an hour or so, but I could not get a bad sound out of this thing. :)

Really, I have never owned a premium amp before, and everything I've heard is true. It really is an immense part of your sound. I looked around, of course, before settling on this amp, and I'm glad I did. Just being able to dial up a California clean with 6L6 on one channel, and a throaty classic blues tone using the on-board booster and the EL34 tubes was enough to have me floored. :yes:

It's not touchy either. You can just about set the knobs anywhere and expect a good tone. Other amps I have used, you really have to tweak to get your sound out. This amp gives me a wide range of good tones without careful dialing in. :thumbsup:

The speakers are fantastic too. I know the pedigree was good because I already own a 2x12 cab with Celestions. I wasn't sure if the foreign made, custom voiced speakers would compare, but they are excellent. I don't know what they sound like loud, but I live in an apartment. I'll have to wait for a gig somewhere to air this thing out. They are great quiet though. Usually new speakers are stiff and don't sound good quiet, but these were really excellent.

It's hard to end the praise for this amp. I can do it though with ONE little thing. This amp is a BEAST, in more ways than one, but on the bad side, it is almost too heavy to lift. And thank you for the included casters, but that doesn't mean you won't have to lift it. I'm a big guy, but I honestly think it would be easier to bench press my bass player. He's a little guy, that amp is a BEAST. I had to borrow a dolly just to get the thing into my apartment. I could NOT have carried it, and it's only about 150 ft. car to door, no stairs. :aww:

Honestly though, I don't know what I was expecting from an amp with 10 tubes and two heavy magnet speakers. It just caught me off guard. I am extremely satified with this guy. I'll have to learn some adaptation of 'He's not heavy. He's my brother.' for this amp. Seriously, Thanks Again! :rock:
Glad you are loving it, and I totally relate!

Regarding the weight......definitely use the included side handles with the 212. I am sure you can find a neighbor to help you out unless of course you "piss them off" with awesome loud guitar amp tone! :rock:

Honestly, I am able to manage the weight of the 212 just fine on my own (using the included side handles / casters of course), and trust me....I am no spring chicken.

Enjoy your new amp!
I'm a proud new owner of a renegade 212 as well and I also wanted to say thanks to Ian, Bruce, and the rest of the Egnater team. I'm loving this amp and the various tones I get from it. I have a retube kit that's supposed to be delivered today and I can't wait to see what kind of tones I can get with different tubes.

Happy holidays guys and thanks for all that you do!