The LEGEND behind HAGEN !

Jens Kruse

New member
I have had quite a few people asking me about the background and meaning of Peter's latest creation "HAGEN". I decided to put together a little background information on Hagen von Tronje, a dark/grim Germanic warrior. After you read this you might think twice before putting your Hagen into a white shell :D

Hagen von Tronje is a character in an ancient Germanic tale called:

Der Ring der Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung)

This legend became the basis of JRR Tolkien's famous "The Lord of the Rings" books.

Here is a summary of the Nibelungen Saga:

The plot revolves around a magic ring that grants the power to rule the world, forged by the Nibelung dwarf Alberich from gold he stole from the Rhine maidens in the river Rhine. Several mythic figures struggle for possession of the ring, including Wotan (Odin), the chief of the gods. Wotan's scheme, spanning generations, to overcome his limitations, drives much of the action in the story. His grandson, the hero Siegfried the Dragon Slayer, wins the ring, as Wotan intended, but is eventually betrayed and slain. Finally, the Valkyrie Brünnhilde, Siegfried's lover and Wotan's estranged daughter, returns the ring to the Rhine maidens. In the process, the Gods and their home, Valhalla, are destroyed.

During his journey, Siegfried discovers a dragon, and deviates from his path to slay it. He touches its hot, yellow blood and understands the language of the birds, one of which tells him to bathe in the dragon's blood in order to become invincible to attack — except for one spot on his shoulder blade, which is missed after being covered by a falling lime leaf.

Hagen von Tronje and King Gunther conspire to murder Siegfried during a hunt in the Odenwald. Hagen deceives Kriemhild (Siegfried's wife) into divulging Siegfried's weak spot by sewing a cross on the spot in Siegfried's tunic.

After the hunt, Hagen challenges Siegfried to a race to a nearby spring. When Siegfried is on his knees drinking, Hagen pierces him from behind with a spear.

Hagen von Tronje is a Burgundian (Germanic) warrior in tales about the Burgundian kingdom at Worms. Hagen is often identified as a brother or half-brother of King Gunther. According to the legend, Hagen was not fully human, being fathered by an elf on the king's wife.

Hagen is especially grim, implacable, and violent and in two accounts one-eyed.



Thanks for the story. Still getting mine in white (hope it ships soon). What your saying is that Hagen slays!
White: because it is something different to all the black amps out there. Diezel's are especially attractive in white.

White: because it was cool for Randy Rhoads...

Tell Papa to wait a few years before introducing the Gandalf. I'll have to save up.

The headshell colour doesn't dictate the utter wickedness and sinister-lord like qualities of this amp :LOL: :LOL:

I'm sure we could extrapolate this further if we were all a bunch of WOW or D-and-D fanatics... :LOL: :LOL:
