The mud flood theory

This is probably my favorite topic to go down rabbit holes with. There’s a lot of timeline stuff that doesn’t add up in regards to building technology and the existence of civilizations/existing structures we can carbon date. I can’t stand the ‘aliens’ aspect of it all and think it does more to dilute everything than anything else and for some reason the word ‘technology’ itself can muddy the waters, the word “knowledge” would be a far better word here.

The more time goes on the more we’re realizing that a lot of the ancient ruins have been used by civilizations coming in hundreds or thousands of years after they were originally built. Even with the documented history we have of places like Egypt, it’s hard to tell how much is actual truth as the land and culture has been hijacked over the years so many times. That asshat Hawass who has his hands all over the pyramids now shouldn’t have anything to do with them, for whatever discovery he’s had his hands in, he’s just as much accountable for denying access and keeping mystery going for the sake of profit.

There’s plenty of evidence of it with the Inca temples where newer generations came in and couldn’t replicate the same building techniques. It’s the exact techniques they haven’t been able to replicate that we don’t see pre-existing evidence of anywhere else in the world. There’s no quarry or area they’ve got some unfinished blocks in, there’s no other existing structures showing the same technique of where they almost got it right but fucked it up, that shit’s crazy.

There’s one YouTube channel I found recently, History In Granite, that dude has some awesome videos. He’s referencing the original Roman historian accounts of visiting the pyramids in Egypt and he uses the actual stones/drawings to form history instead of written word. Like “This dude saw this stone in 2000 BC, you can see this stone is now moved to this location in 1800 by this dude, which explains why they could get access at this point but not then” etc, it’s the best armchair archeology I’ve seen.

Chicago in the 1800s.
This thread makes me think young earth creationism. A mud flood would coincide with the waters receding after the flood. It's said that the desert sourthwest was an inland sea for a while. I Have property deep in the big bend, there are seashells there but it's in the chihuahuan desert.

7000 years from Noah to now. Most cultures also have a flood myth and virtually all of them say it was because the earth was corrupted. Perhaps some of the buildings are more ancient from the times of Noah. The receding waters/mud preserved buildings or they were built on top of because they were buried in mud. Or they required partial excavation to be usable again. It's a possibility but it's all speculative.
What once was, is no more. What is no more, once was. Just as the tide recedes, it will return again.