The US is in Serious Trouble

32 days til' the mid-terms.

Nobody truly has any idea how it will turn out.

I've completely tuned out televised news media. I read about it instead. At least I don't have to listen to the bastards talk. Actually, none can be trusted. All, and I mean absolutely ALL put their own spin on things. Faux News, MSNBC, CNN, Newsmax, OAN and plenty more I don't care to mention. Pick your poison if you must. Polluted context with only certain kernels of truth/fact but not all. It's all about $$$$ and ratings. They don't give one good god damn about the truth.

Journalism in this country lost all its integrity decades ago. It's no longer journalism in the conventional realm, but whacko-bizarro world entertainment and propaganda arm for the elite with the most $$$$. How much do you care to gag down? Hey....they got Biden and Harris in. Watch em' get Fetterman in.

The printed/digital different.

Whatever honest part of the landscape you find is what you dig out on your own. How important is it to you? How much time and patience do you have to vet the info you seek? Anecdotes and analogues. It's all an WAG at best. Give me some dice. I call snake eyes.

There is no shortage of fringe whack-jobs & wingnuts in all camps & venues be it online or in person.

Even if the DNC loses either or both in the legislative branch. The GOP will piss it's opportunities away same as last time. If they can at least slow down the rot, well.........nah, I doubt they can even do that.

435 HR seats and 100 in the Senate. I'll be sure to cast my vote, but beyond that I have no faith in a favorable outcome.

I started keeping up with all this during the Carter Administration. This Administration is the worst dumpster fire I can ever remember. Hard to believe sometimes it's actually real.

Sadly too, many citizens haven't a clue how municipal, state, and federal government works, or is supposd to work. Sadly they embrace ignorance and allow themselves to be useful idiots.

To be fair though, far too many people busy with life and taking care of things to make an effort to learn/know. They choose to blindly, fecklessly trust their government. And that is the problem.

Apparently, it's either more fun and/or cathartic to come to the places where things such as these can still be talked about, and throw a bunch of vitriolic shit at each other.