Thinking about Synergy

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I play at home only and thinking of downsizing. The synergy stuff has my attention. Was thinking maybe the syn1 dock and get some modules. I need bedroom volume so was curious about seymour duncan powerstage 170 for power amp. I have always loved tubes but i need low volume. I have some hearing loss so no more cranked amps. I could do syn2 also and build a rack. Whats some good power amp options for my needs. Solidstate or tube as long as it can do bedroom volumes. I like the idea of the different preamp modules of synergy. I dont like tweaking modelers so synergy may be my ticket.
I was big into the Randall MTS amps back in the day and have come back around to the modular system with Synergy over the past few years. Bought a SYN1 when Sweetwater was including the BE module for free and have now tried most of the current modules available. I have the SYN1 hooked up to a PS2 Powerstation and it sounds really good! The Sag and Master controls on the SYN1 and 2 can help you get the cranked amp feel and tone even if you are using say a 100 tube power amp section, from an amp that you already have, at bedroom volumes. Can't say enough about how those controls can change the character of the modules tone at any volume.

Even though I usually play with one tone and add pedals or ride the guitar volume knob to get more or less dirt, I am still on the hunt for a SYN2 so that I can have more than one module ready to go. Synergy keeps adding more manufactures to partner with, and it sounds like we will be getting some more announced at NAMM. And I am with you on tweaking modelers. Nope. Don't want to do it.
If it’s for home use get a PS-2A power station. Can do whisper quiet, but can also roar if you ever change your mind.

It adds that bit of tube mojo still and makes most stuff sound great. Bonus you still get a reamp solution for the rest of your amps too.
I play at home only and thinking of downsizing. The synergy stuff has my attention. Was thinking maybe the syn1 dock and get some modules. I need bedroom volume so was curious about seymour duncan powerstage 170 for power amp. I have always loved tubes but i need low volume. I have some hearing loss so no more cranked amps. I could do syn2 also and build a rack. Whats some good power amp options for my needs. Solidstate or tube as long as it can do bedroom volumes. I like the idea of the different preamp modules of synergy. I dont like tweaking modelers so synergy may be my ticket.
Right there with you. I'm looking at the 50Watt head and a couple modules. Really interested in the 6505 and a few others. To me it seems like a good way to keep interest in different amps for fun but not 3 or 4k fun. I'm pretty much waiting to see what Marshall does at NAMM but really the only interest I have in amps is the Synergy, Ground Zero or maybe something new from Marshall. Not looking to replace anything, just something different to mess around on.
The whole idea behind Synergy is to create as much drive and tone in the preamp as possible - so if you already have an amp with a good power section and loop then running the Syn1/2 into the FX return can work really well.

You can adjust the output volume on the preamp dock to be as low as you like, in conjunction with the amp's loop return level if there is one, and in general master volume. If it has Pres and Deep controls even better.

If not, any power amp can cut if for bedroom volumes really - but using an existing tube option is always satisfying.
I loved both the MTS and Synergy stuff I had. The Synergy stuff especially, with a good tube power section, plays right up there with conventional tube amps. I don't really care if the modules don't sound identical to their name sakes; they can be different and still sound great. I don't imagine the sag control behaves exactly like real supply sag, but I never used it. In fact, I probably prefer the immediacy of separate power supplies.

I really liked the Randall RT2/50 as power amp, but if I didn't have that and I wanted a rackmount, I probably would haven't gotten a Fryette. Do Rocktron still make the Velocity power amp? Solid state, but if I remember correctly, they sounded pretty decent without needing to be cranked.
I would wait for the Syn-20IR in your case, and grab that. All tube, portable, has a built-in IR loader with headphone out, dedicated clean channel, power amp simulation stuff. I think it's exactly what you're looking for.
I love my Synergy stuff. I have a Syn2 and 7 modules. It definitely sounds better with a good tube poweramp. I would look at something with at least depth and presence controls.
I love my Synergy stuff. I have a Syn2 and 7 modules. It definitely sounds better with a good tube poweramp. I would look at something with at least depth and presence controls.
But what tube power amp will be great at bedroom volumes? And late night when family asleep volumes?
It does and can start to sound the same though.. i suppose no different than having 4 amps and dialing them in the same way..
But what tube power amp will be great at bedroom volumes? And late night when family asleep volumes?

Read the last two sentences of my paragraph one above again. In short, the Sag and Master knobs on the Syn1 will help with the cranked amp tone and feel at bedroom volumes.
Read the last two sentences of my paragraph one above again. In short, the Sag and Master knobs on the Syn1 will help with the cranked amp tone and feel at bedroom volumes.
Ahhh i read if earlier but its been a long day. It didnt register. My brain is tired lol thanks!
It does and can start to sound the same though.. i suppose no different than having 4 amps and dialing them in the same way..
Yessir--You have to watch that . There's a bunch of modules that do sound alot alike and naturally human nature has you dialing them all in to your favorite tone.
But what tube power amp will be great at bedroom volumes? And late night when family asleep volumes?
I honestly think any of them would be fine. Between the volume on the module, the volume on the Syn1/Syn2, and the volume on the poweramp, you have a lot of control on how to dial in low volumes. I have always thought rack stuff was better for low volume control than heads.

I would probably look at the Syn5050, or Freyette LXII, because I like stereo. If I were doing mono, the KSR PA50 would be a strong contender.
It does and can start to sound the same though.. i suppose no different than having 4 amps and dialing them in the same way..
Yeah, I have 7 high gain modules, and they can sound similar, but then again, I pretty much dial everything to pretty much sound the same.

One reason I like the Ultra Lead, and IICP. The little graphic EQs can really dial in more extreme sounds than the modules with basic EQs.