Tone Talk Ep. 153 - Jim Root of Slipknot

When does it get better? I watched about 5 minutes and couldn't take it anymore. It was too monotone and I love Jim Root. :dunno:

I am assuming this is your channel but TechDeth was spot on. He is also a big contributor to this forum and is well regarded :dunno:
Thanks for he kind words man I really appreciate it , Even though he got shitty with me it’s ok.
Listen to Jason Tong and Dave on AmpChat ... those were/are brilliant and pretty much 100% nerd talk. He's not doing them at the moment but hopefully they come back at some point
Totally agree!
When Dave has called into Jason's show, its been awesome nerd talk.
I cant remember off hand who Jason was interviewing, but Dave called into the show and that guy faded into the background as it was all Dave and Jason answering questions.