Tube Power Amp w/ Eleven Rack?

I just wanted to get a general opinion from 11R users regarding using a tube power amp. As it stands right now, I mainly use my 11R for live applications. Currently I power my 11R with an ART SLA-2 power amp and run everything into a MESA 4x12. Most of the gigs I play are local gigs whereby it is not necessary to mic my cabinet nor do I run the 11R through any kind of PA. On occasion we play in larger venues where the 11R can be run direct through the board; however, I usually just mic my speaker cabinet as I have not yet created any patches of my own using cabinet and mic sims.

Lately I have been considering switching to a tube power amp....having come from using mostly tube amps. I am not interested in a FRFR type of set-up at this time but am curious if anyone has achieved good results using a tube power amp. I know the pros and cons to solid state power and FRFR set-ups when using units such as the 11R but want to hear opinions from those of you that may be using tube power. What type of amp are you using and what are your thoughts?


BTW - This is my first post over here as I am usually trolling HRI so please don't beat me up too bad!