Tucker on Rogan

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Starts off talking aliens and UFO’s. Eviscerates the neocons and deep state, hints at being anti-vax, calls Bari Weiss fake and apologizes, left his little bro trippin’ balls at a dead show and more!


@Laputan Machine if he used to work for the CIA I think he’s since been fired. Hope he doesn’t “suffocate” in his sauna anytime soon or anything like that 😔
He claims that himself and his brother drove to a Dead concert, at ages 15 and 13. He was "just, you know messed up". A "guy" gives him a ticket to the concert and he remembers..admittingly being under the influence of mushrooms..that they played the "deep cuts". Then he says he "leaves and is wandering around" and eventually finds his brother who just was "hanging out in a van" this whole time.

He claims that himself and his brother drove to a Dead concert, at ages 15 and 13. He was "just, you know messed up". A "guy" gives him a ticket to the concert and he remembers..admittingly being under the influence of mushrooms..that they played the "deep cuts". Then he says he "leaves and is wandering around" and eventually finds his brother who just was "hanging out in a van" this whole time.

I dunno. I can remember weird shit like that too. Think it was like an induction or something?
I'll just say that while I don't agree with Tucker on everything I think he is pretty sincere. I could be wrong. I'm also interested to hear why people are so suspicious of him. Maybe I'm wrong.
He claims that himself and his brother drove to a Dead concert, at ages 15 and 13. He was "just, you know messed up". A "guy" gives him a ticket to the concert and he remembers..admittingly being under the influence of mushrooms..that they played the "deep cuts". Then he says he "leaves and is wandering around" and eventually finds his brother who just was "hanging out in a van" this whole time.

TC: When I was a kid, maybe freshman year of college, I was home in Washington for vacation for Christmas. And my father's like, “Oh, the Grateful Dead are coming to my office. I knew them in the ‘60s in San Francisco.”

I was like, “The Grateful Dead are coming to your office!?” He goes, “Well, just Jerry Garcia.” I was like, “No way!”

We took a cab from Georgetown downtown to my dad's office; he was working in a federal agency. And there was Jerry standing there talking about their time in the ‘60s in San Francisco. And it was like – incredible. So my brother and I got our picture with Jerry.
TC: When I was a kid, maybe freshman year of college, I was home in Washington for vacation for Christmas. And my father's like, “Oh, the Grateful Dead are coming to my office. I knew them in the ‘60s in San Francisco.”

I was like, “The Grateful Dead are coming to your office!?” He goes, “Well, just Jerry Garcia.” I was like, “No way!”

We took a cab from Georgetown downtown to my dad's office; he was working in a federal agency. And there was Jerry standing there talking about their time in the ‘60s in San Francisco. And it was like – incredible. So my brother and I got our picture with Jerry.
Yeah man his dad was fucking King Mockingbird and that's why these "just so happened to stories" sound so stupid
TC: When I was a kid, maybe freshman year of college, I was home in Washington for vacation for Christmas. And my father's like, “Oh, the Grateful Dead are coming to my office. I knew them in the ‘60s in San Francisco.”

I was like, “The Grateful Dead are coming to your office!?” He goes, “Well, just Jerry Garcia.” I was like, “No way!”

We took a cab from Georgetown downtown to my dad's office; he was working in a federal agency. And there was Jerry standing there talking about their time in the ‘60s in San Francisco. And it was like – incredible. So my brother and I got our picture with Jerry.
So what do you make of that though? Even if his Dad and Jerry were a part of some conspiracy, does that necessarily mean that Tucker is involved? I hardly believe Jerry knew what the hell he was doing even if he did do something for the CIA. I assume it was more like, "Sure we'll use that cool 'wall of sound' or distribute government LSD or play somewhere specific or something like that. I highly highly doubt he was an operator or knew what was going on.
Tucker admits to being increasingly red-pilled. He admits that he believed lies. It’s possible that he starts to be suspicious of coincidences in his own life. The point is, that’s possible — in which case even if he was used it doesn’t mean he’s a knowing participant. And that makes a lot of difference.