Tweaker 88 - Too much wattage/volume?


So my Renegade is on the fritz and i figured its time for a backup while i figure out what i need to do with my Renegade. I love that head and will be getting it fixed.

My question is I have been running my Renegade at 65 watts and have been very happy with it. I am curious about the tweaker 88 and if it needs to be cranked really loud to get the tubes cooking (nice solid tube breakup)? I've heard that i feels more like 60 watts rather than 88. If that is true then is should be pretty comparable to how i have been using my Renegade as of late. I will be using it to gig out and we play a variety of large and small sized rooms so i dont want to have issues with having to sacrifice my tone because of the volume. I like the extra features of the 88 over the 40 so that is why im kind of leaning that route. Any experience?
If you are talking about volume differences, they are negligible overall. The change in volume from approximately 100W to 50W is only 3dB, so you can use that as a guide. As far as headroom is concerned, there would be a slight difference, but it's not the same circuit so this is a moot point anyway. You shouldn't have any issues getting good power tube break up with the Tweaker if you already got it with the Renegade at the same approximate volume levels.
Thanks for your reply! Yea i was speaking more to headroom. I didnt want to have to crank the hell out of the amp to get a good tube breakup for my gain. I know they have KT88s in them am heard they are a bit louder and have more headroom than your typical 6L6 or EL34.
Sounds like you want a 40 loaded with EL34's. Plenty of volume, but a great crunch without destroying the room type levels.