***Update***:Need some advice on a transaction

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Hey guys,
Here’s the story. I sold a Mesa Boogie 395 poweramp on Reverb back on March 25. I sent it Fed Ex and actually had FedEx pack the item at my local FedEx store. It was double boxed by FedEx and sent 2 day Air. Yesterday,(May 13) I get a message from the buyer saying that he JUST YESTERDAY opened the box, and that 4 of the 8 power tubes are broken. He wants a complete and total refund. This guy has had the amp in his possession for 7 weeks, and is just now opening the box?????? Also, the amp was double boxed by FedEx at a FedEx location/Store. Having FedEx do the box up cost a bit more, but it also ensures that should there be any damage, the will cover the insured value. The buyer did send pix and indeed, the back row of 6L6’s closest to the back of the amp are cracked.
I am going to call Reverb today to see what they say about this ‘delayed’ opening of the box and request from this guy for a full refund. I have offered to the buyer to purchase a new tube set for the amp, but I personally feel that something is fishy here. Just wanted some thoughts from you guys on what you think I should do / how I should reapond.
LanierP":1grspvfz said:
Hey guys,
Here’s the story. I sold a Mesa Boogie 395 poweramp on Reverb back on March 25. I sent it Fed Ex and actually had FedEx pack the item at my local FedEx store. It was double boxed by FedEx and sent 2 day Air. Yesterday,(May 13) I get a message from the buyer saying that he JUST YESTERDAY opened the box, and that 4 of the 8 power tubes are broken. He wants a complete and total refund. This guy has had the amp in his possession for 7 weeks, and is just now opening the box?????? Also, the amp was double boxed by FedEx at a FedEx location/Store. Having FedEx do the box up cost a bit more, but it also ensures that should there be any damage, the will cover the insured value. The buyer did send pix and indeed, the back row of 6L6’s closest to the back of the amp are cracked.
I am going to call Reverb today to see what they say about this ‘delayed’ opening of the box and request from this guy for a full refund. I have offered to the buyer to purchase a new tube set for the amp, but I personally feel that something is fishy here. Just wanted some thoughts from you guys on what you think I should do / how I should reapond.
Yeah call Reverb. Sounds shady.
He probably dropped it like an idiot and is now trying to recoup some losses. I would not accept the refund unless reverb demands it. Then if so, I would file a claim for the full amount with FedEx.

Hope it works out for you.
Tubes should have been removed and boxed by themselves, but other than that, you're fine. I wouldn't give a refund... SEVEN weeks ? Fuck him...MAYBE buy him tubes, but no refund.
He should have inspected the contents as soon as it arrived. Seven weeks is way past any grace period for that.

Did you use Reverb Direct checkout? If he just used Paypal (without Reverb Direct checkout) then he can go thru Paypal for the refund and you might be fucked. But if you used Reverb Direct checkout (which still goes thru Paypal) then he would have to go thru Reverb for the refund and you might have a chance there.

There's got to be some period of time where a seller can finally breathe a sigh of relief that; "yes...that item is actually sold, shipped and received and the money is mine". And it should be way shorter than 7 weeks.
Did he offer any explanation as to why he would just be responding to this shipping/receiving item and it is damaged. I would think every return policy has an explanation of guidelines and a window of returns. If he is outside the window it may not matter. If you have a return policy of 30 days( ?) maybe 7/14 max he is outside of that and I would tell him sorry and let him figure it out. If you buy something usually you open it within a week. If it so happens it is indeed shipping damage. 7 weeks may be outside of fed/up , who ever it was. If people are so irresponsible or so loaded with money, which ever the case why are they buying used gear in the 1st place? Retarded bs, scam or possibly a 16 year old? Why was it shipped 2nd day air? That was his request? Please tell me it wasn't, if it was you actually have to respond to this bs?
Beandust":320iek7e said:
Did he offer any explanation as to why he would just be responding to this shipping/receiving item and it is damaged. I would think every return policy has an explanation of guidelines and a window of returns. If he is outside the window it may not matter. If you have a return policy of 30 days( ?) maybe 7/14 max he is outside of that and I would tell him sorry and let him figure it out. If you buy something usually you open it within a week. If it so happens it is indeed shipping damage. 7 weeks may be outside of fed/up , who ever it was. If people are so irresponsible or so loaded with money, which ever the case why are they buying used gear in the 1st place? Retarded bs, scam or possibly a 16 year old? Why was it shipped 2nd day air? That was his request? Please tell me it wasn't, if it was you actually have to respond to this bs?

Sounds like a crock of shit. I'd tell him to pound sand.

I can tell you this, FedEx will laugh at you if you file a claim. That will go over like a lead balloon.
It's funny. In all my years of buying tube amps, no one has ever shipped me one with the tube pulled and packaged separately be it new or used.
Hope you setup a dedicated account for only reverb & paypal. Keeping that empty after a sale will certainly be taken into consideration when reverb or PP have to chase money and decide a claim. Thats not to say they wont though. Also, id contact my bank and put a block on reverb and PP for the time being as well.
JerEvil":35s0kftb said:
It's funny. In all my years of buying tube amps, no one has ever shipped me one with the tube pulled and packaged separately be it new or used.

I have done both. I don't sell a lot of amps but the first time I saw them pulled and labeled was from GC.

I do like that method better as it is easy to break an installed tube during shipment. However I have received a few amps with the tubes in and 90% of the time there were no issues.

As a buyer you should always expect to buy new tubes for any amp. I have had brand new amps come with a bad tube. It is not an uncommon thing.
maddnotez":28vyi8v1 said:
JerEvil":28vyi8v1 said:
It's funny. In all my years of buying tube amps, no one has ever shipped me one with the tube pulled and packaged separately be it new or used.

I have done both. I don't sell a lot of amps but the first time I saw them pulled and labeled was from GC.

I do like that method better as it is easy to break an installed tube during shipment. However I have received a few amps with the tubes in and 90% of the time there were no issues.

As a buyer you should always expect to buy new tubes for any amp. I have had brand new amps come with a bad tube. It is not an uncommon thing.
Scott Splawn shipped his amps that way, that’s where I got it from.
While I agree that pulling the tubes for shipment is the best way to go, the only time I've had a tube break or have issues is when I've pulled them and wrapped separately. lol Both cases involved Splawns too. One was mailed to Russia and the tube actually broke in transit - though it was quite protected. The other was the tube shorted out right when the buyer turned the amp on.
I've had them fall out and rattle around and found them in back of speaker but they haven't broken. But I've had more than a few alignment pins break, even from tubes that didn't come out. I pull them, wrap them, box them, then wrap the box, then stuff it in the headshell with more packing so it doesn't move, then put the rear panel back on. When I've had FedEx pack it, that's what I took them.
something is not right, 7 weeks!!!! I don't think so!!!
CrazyNutz":1n4vuvt3 said:
Yeah, 7 weeks my ass.
Exactly. Unless this was agreed upon previously, he's SOL with the PP 30 day window anyway. Too bad for him. Buyer's remorse probably.
Reverb's been cool with me, I sold an SLO to a guy that wanted a partial refund over 30 days later. Reverb shut that down quickly.
Taking the tubes out and packaged separately is something I always ask the buyer if they would want me to do before shipping. There’s no right or wrong to it, just preference and some people don’t want to mess with opening the amp.

I wouldn’t refund. I would go by the policy on your store. I offer the standard 7 days refund on Reverb, beynd that, it’s 100% their gear now.
When I have a guitar or amp coming, I'm so excited that I can barely stand it. This guy waiting seven weeks is ridiculous unless he was on a trip or something else. But someone had to open the damn thing, sign for it, etc.

Asking for a return for broken tubes is like taking a Ferrari back because of a flat tire. I'm telling you, if you say that you are contacting everyone involved in this (FedEx, Reverb, etc., etc.) and tell him you are doing a thorough investigation such as contacting the guy who delivered it to his door, etc. I guarantee he'll start singing a different tune.
WTF is wrong with people... you are not a commercial retailer period. If he is beyond the return period stated in the auction I would not take it back. If you want to be a nice guy maybe offer to pay half of some new tubes for the amp but other than that no way, he should have opened the amp upon delivery to check for damage. Why? Because damage can happen, DUH :doh: . Because he waited FEDEX won't process a claim and now that is on him.

Hell... 7 weeks is even beyond Musicians Friend's return policy. Tell him to respectfully pound sand.