Van Halen - Panama Cover (Friedman JCM800)


New member
Hey guys, long time no see. Little something I did over the weekend. gear used was my 2008 USA Strat (since my Charvel is at my buds house)--> Friedman Kitchen Sink JCM800 Brown Eye channel gain at 1:00 vol around 10:00--> TC Electronic toneprint delay/TCE toneprint reverb--> Avatar 2x12 (V30/G12-65)--> Rivera RockKrusher attn. Hope yall like it

dude it sounds good but can i suggest something? :)

you have the sound and the technique BUT where is your sense of time? maybe you couldn't hear the track? hmmmm

my advice is to get a small portable metronome that you can carry around with you. walk in time with it. run in time with it. spend time slapping your body in time with it.
i can tell there is no sense of pulse going through your body once the drums are in.

i have to admit i could not play that song the way you just did out of time, actually quite amazing in its self.

not being critical at all here just some advice!

time is the most important thing about music... the notes are secondary if you asked me.... ;)
