VH 4 Help

Steve Thomas

New member
Hi guys, just bought a used a used el34 vh4 and although it sounds great i am concerned by the volume needed. I am using 2 bogner cubes with V30's and yet ended up running both the master and channel volumes at 3pm at a recent gig..and it still wasn't loud. The valves do not appear to be probelmatic as they are all lit and no fuses blown. Also anything above 11 o'clock on the clean channel and it starts to distort?
Dear Steve,

please check all tube fault fuses also when the LED is not lightning.

Also check preamp tubes, maybe the phase inverter tube is bad.

If you have no success contact your tech.

As a reference to volume levels, I tested once at our band rehearsals my friend's two Orange 1x12" (V30) cabs and the volume needed to be heard enough over drums & full metal band was approximately 11.00 o'clock. I also found these cabs to be rather dark sounding which created a need to push more treble and presence and also reduce deep. I also like to keep my midds high and punchy.