Vinnie Moore - The Maze


Well-known member
Holy crap! Just listening to this album again for the first time in years, and with fresh ears, there is some really, really cool stuff going on besides the normal shreddery. One of his best, for me, with To The Core and Out of Nowhere. Whaddaya think?
Oh yeah! One of my heroes VinMan...I practically wore out the Time Odyssey vinyl, I think I still have it somewhere. Mind's Eye, Time Odyssey, Out of Nowhere and The Maze are my favorites by far.

Tried to learn The Maze the song, still trying to figure it out but man it's a good workout if nothing else ;). Never Been to Barcelona has been on my to do list as well for what, 5 years now.
This is one of those CDs that is so good, it stops me from playing. I just keep thinking, "Why bother?". He's a freak.