What are your favorite Bogner amps?

My favourite Bogner is my Ecstasy 20th Ani with EL34s. I’ve never played any other Bogners so can’t comment on those!
Absolutely the 100B of a friend.
Apart for that, actually I prefer my Helios Eclipse
Then my Ecstasy Cameron modded.
I sold the Uberschall (that wasn't my favorite) for the UberUltra that I'm waiting in a few days, hoping for a totally new platform.
I haven't played them all but the XTC classic gets my vote. Big open chords with the kerrang echoing out. Single notes dont sound tinny or piercing. Every channel is excellent and the plexi mode has a bark to it when cranked loud. However you must play cleanly or you will be exposed.
Just bought an Uber Ultra mk2 not too long ago. I'm still in the honeymoon phase but it's my favorite amp at the moment.
the 101b i have atm.

it’s my 3rd one, iirc from around 2021.
Something different about it- dunno if there was a revision around the change of the decade but it sounds meaner than the previous 2 as if the mids are shifted higher.

still have an early shiva el34 which is like.

also owned GF90, Eclipse and Shiva 20th kt88