Whats the craziest thing you've seen at a concert!!

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CrazyNutz":i1kh5m2t said:
white buffalo":i1kh5m2t said:
The craziest thing I've seen was at an RHCP show in 2006... The Mars Volta were opening for RHCP, but the singer (Cedric), was sick (my guess: nursing a wicked hangover) so he stayed back at the hotel while John Frusciante just came out and jammed with them for an hour. Was absolutely insane and the only time this has happened from what I gather.

I saw The Mars Volta once, and I think they played one maybe two of their songs, and the rest of the time It was like one long jam room jam.
Kind of sucked since I was expecting them to play some songs I know. Haha

Yeah, the extended jams were pretty common from what I gather, but it was the fact that Frusciante joined them for it that made it extra cool. FWIW that's the loudest concert I've ever been to and the hearing in my right ear hasn't be entirely the same since. That one and the Dinosaur Jr. show I also mentioned. Insanely loud.
I've seen/played a lot of shows in my 60yrs. I've seen a lot of stuff and I was just thinking of the time around 85 or so catching ZZ at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Prior to the show Frank Beards kit was draped with huge white sheets and behind the kit riser was a massive King Tut mask. So they've got heavy white spots on the sheets and spots tight to the mask with the house lights completely down. The house music fades out and suddenly the two large whit sheets get pulled upwards off the kit by invisible rig wires and straight up King Tuts nostrils until they disappeared then the stage lights came on and they dove right into Cheap Sunglasses....I've seen a lot of weird shit in my time but that was quite the visual....Peace
theyipper":21xog57t said:
BrokenFusion":21xog57t said:
Went to see Testament in the late 90's in a real small club. Strapping Young Lads were the opener. Their singer Devin Townsend jumped in the crowd and got in a fight with a fan, chaos ensues. The club owner shuts the whole thing down and tells everyone to get out. Me and my buddies see Chuck from Testament out behind the club by their van, we start talking to him. Chucks going on about how fucked up the night has been. To my surprise my buddy asks Chuck if he wants to burn one and he's like, yea lets go in the van. So there we are smoking a joint with Chuck Billy and a couple of the other dudes from Testament in their van behind a shitty little club in Jersey. :confused: :lol: :LOL:

1997? That was likely SYL's van. Testament had a bus. Stuck Mojo was also on the same tour.

Same tour different venue, DT verbally lashed out via song at club owners/promoter? at a converted strip club, absolutely hilarious. Of course all the locals didn't think it was funny at all. Door guard would not let touring crew out the rear door to vehicles/gear. Escalation and fight ensued between crew and locals in the backroom.

Was that in NJ? Sounds like the same night. I don't think it was a bus, but details are a little foggy after 20+ years. :lol: :LOL:
Just Mike":1cc93mhq said:
Judas Priest at Lakeland civic center around 1983? People in the upper seats were throwing lit sparklers down onto the packed floor. I remember thinking at the time "Never again".

That happened at a Scorpions/Great White/Trixster (Trixster sucked BTW) show but it was glow sticks. Flying everywhere from the top of the stands and nailing people down on the floor. We saw some guy get hit and the green stuff broke out and shot all over the place. It was actually hilarious. LOL!
Probably more funny than crazy. I attended a Queensryche concert in Columbus Ohio during their Hear in the Now Frontier tour. About 30 minutes into the concert, Geoff Tate says he's having vocal problems and cannot continue. He sounded fine. The audience was told to return their ticket to the point of sale for a full refund. As we exit the venue, there is giant (probably 20 feet tall) ballon shaped like a Budweiser beer can.

One drunk/upset fan screams "You're going down!" and starts sprinting toward the giant beer can. Some of the crowd are egging him on "yeah! Kick it's ass!" As he gets close, he tilts his head back, arms out, and hits the balloon chest first. This thing is has ropes attaching it to the ground, and apparently had a decent amount of air pressure inside. The fan sinks in a few inches and was then flung back. He lands flat on his back a few feet away. He got back ok, but that couldn't have felt good. The giant inflatable beer can won the encounter.
a no stage metal concert, which is dumb as an idea, where the pit hit this guy's guitar so it hit him in the face

started bleeding everywhere and was knocked down to the ground

still finished that song and the rest of the set

psychodave":1l3rspnz said:
One of the funniest was seeing some no name band opening up for some bigger band. The lead singer is wearing a long shirt. During my their 2nd or 3rd song, the singer drops his pants. His shirt is covering his junk. Then he pulls up his shirt and starts to do a dick twirl. Everyone was dying laughing. Security rushes the stage and throws him out the side door. The band kept playing without a singer. Hahaha

I saw Dave Brockie (Original gwar frontman) on his solo tour in a small club. He came onstage in a kilt with nothing under it but his flaccid penis, flopping about for all to see pretty much the whole show. This is just speculation, but he may have been drunk and high ;) The clubs security were all just local biker club guys, so no one tried to stop it at all.
For the guy talking about smoking with testament... i've puffed with Chuck too...he loves his weed for sure. :lol: :LOL:
1997 Lollapalooza Cincinnati - Outdoor pavilion...

A few things: someone threw a joint on stage at Snoop Dog, and he announced loudly to the crowd that the cops could arrest him if he smoked it... there were cops around... he told the audience to hold them back and lit up... audience started screaming "fuck the cops! Smoke it!" and other choice things... he lit up, cops didn't move... nothing happened but I thought there might be a riot if the cops moved in on him.

The singer for Prodigy jumped off the stage and took a dead FAST run around the seated section of the pavilion... that fucker must have been coked out of his mind... never seen someone run so fast!

The grassy section behind seated section was very wet and sloppy due to the torrential downpour from the night before... tons of folks started mud sliding down the hill and some wrestling here and there too... looked fun. People covered in mud head to toe. And then when Tool hit the stage, mudballs started flying into the seated pavilion and onto the huge video screen behind the seats for the folks in the grass. It got so bad it looked like a biblical swarm of huge locusts... people started running out of the seats and punching the muddy hippies, and hippies stated punching back... crazy fights... Tool left after one or two songs and then Maynard's voice rang out, something to the effect of "Children! If you can't play nice, mommy and daddy say we have to leave..." Eventually everything settled and the show went on, but damn that was crazy...

Every single act on the mainstage killed it...
white buffalo":1bvjch5r said:
The craziest thing I've seen was at an RHCP show in 2006... The Mars Volta were opening for RHCP, but the singer (Cedric), was sick (my guess: nursing a wicked hangover) so he stayed back at the hotel while John Frusciante just came out and jammed with them for an hour. Was absolutely insane and the only time this has happened from what I gather.

Oh and also... summer 2007 Dinosaur Jr. was playing a show here in Toronto... opening act did this thing where they made pancakes ON STAGE DURING THE SHOW... and so I'm standing there in the front row and all of a sudden who walks up and stands right next to me, pancake and all? J FREAKING MASCIS!!! Guy was just casually up front chomping down some pancakes watching the opener. I freaked out, but played it cool.

:lol: :LOL: :thumbsup:
I just remembered another group of funny things that happened to the drummer in one of the bands I was in. Our drummer really didn't care much for dogs, cats or animals in general. We played a two night gig at a small bar. On the second night the drummer sits down at his drums and smells crap. He looks down my his kick pedal and sees that the bar owner's dog took a crap right up against the pedal...man, was he "pissed." At another gig, there were two dog incidents. At the beginning of the night the dance floor was empty during the first song. In the middle of the song the owner's dog comes out into the middle of the empty dance floor right in front of the drummer and takes a dumb...the place exploded laughing. The following night the owner's dog actually crapped inside the kick drum...yikes!

Somehow, the dogs knew! :lol: :LOL:
amiller":27gky40a said:
I just remembered another group of funny things that happened to the drummer in one of the bands I was in. Our drummer really didn't care much for dogs, cats or animals in general. We played a two night gig at a small bar. On the second night the drummer sits down at his drums and smells crap. He looks down my his kick pedal and sees that the bar owner's dog took a crap right up against the pedal...man, was he "pissed." At another gig, there were two dog incidents. At the beginning of the night the dance floor was empty during the first song. In the middle of the song the owner's dog comes out into the middle of the empty dance floor right in front of the drummer and takes a dumb...the place exploded laughing. The following night the owner's dog actually crapped inside the kick drum...yikes!

Somehow, the dogs knew! :lol: :LOL:
Thats pretty funny but I bet someone picked up the poo and put it in the drum to fuck with him. Sounds like something I would have done!!
slyym":3qbylvty said:
amiller":3qbylvty said:
I just remembered another group of funny things that happened to the drummer in one of the bands I was in. Our drummer really didn't care much for dogs, cats or animals in general. We played a two night gig at a small bar. On the second night the drummer sits down at his drums and smells crap. He looks down my his kick pedal and sees that the bar owner's dog took a crap right up against the pedal...man, was he "pissed." At another gig, there were two dog incidents. At the beginning of the night the dance floor was empty during the first song. In the middle of the song the owner's dog comes out into the middle of the empty dance floor right in front of the drummer and takes a dumb...the place exploded laughing. The following night the owner's dog actually crapped inside the kick drum...yikes!

Somehow, the dogs knew! :lol: :LOL:
Thats pretty funny but I bet someone picked up the poo and put it in the drum to fuck with him. Sounds like something I would have done!!

Hmmm...ya know, you're probably right. I never thought about it but the bouncer at that club was somebody who just might have done that. :lol: :LOL:
We had pole dancers onstage with us at our show over the weekend. That was definitely at the top of my list. My dad and stepmom came to see us for the first time. I’m sure they were like WTF?



Looks like your bassist knows what’s up, one in the pink one in the stink, not quite the shocker.
I worked stage security for a Red Hot Chili Peppers in Hawaii, June 1989 about 2 months before Mother Milk came out. I literally sat on stage about 5 feet in front of Flea. At one point I see this group of chicks in front of me smile and their eyes were literally bugging out of their head reacting to something. So I turned around and Flea was about 3 feet from me with his pants pulled down swinging his dick in circles, then grabs the mic and says "This is my dick, just thought you should know".. then he starts banging the mic against his dick and you just hear the PA making loud booms and the crowd went nuts.

After the show I was hanging out with friends talking about the night and we see their manager with a line of hot chicks, they literally line up and stand their like a pageant. Then Anthony Kiedis and John Frusciante come out in robes and did a few takes and hand picked a few each and they went back stage.
victim5150":31jri9yb said:
We had pole dancers onstage with us at our show over the weekend. That was definitely at the top of my list. My dad and stepmom came to see us for the first time. I’m sure they were like WTF?



That last pic looks like a dude with his dick out but I guess it the other persons foot lol!
slyym":2xzkolng said:
victim5150":2xzkolng said:
We had pole dancers onstage with us at our show over the weekend. That was definitely at the top of my list. My dad and stepmom came to see us for the first time. I’m sure they were like WTF?



That last pic looks like a dude with his dick out but I guess it the other persons foot lol!
The pic above that looks like a headless impaled body!
JimAnsell":210nprgq said:
been to 150+ shows.
crazy stuff:
-Seeing a guy smoking crack right in front of me at a slayer show in the early 2000's at harpos in detroit.

-Lots of people getting their assed beat, faced bloodied, teeth knocked out in front of me at that place over the years.

-Cannibal Corpse 2001, harpos again. Plain clothed DPD officer (badge around his neck, gun in holster) throwing down hard in pit with the skin heads and whatnot.

-Dio 2001 Harpos agaaain. Dude just walking around the venue naked pretty much the whole night. no one did anything. was probably high on lsd from the looks of things.

-Pine knob sod fights. notably metallica 1998. had to watch my back for the first few songs in the pavillion because it was like raining these giant chunks of sod from the lawn. imagine looking behind you and seein what looks like 5,000 people under a nearly opaque cloud of flying grass and black dirt. a friend got so dirty with it, he caught a bacterial infection and had to spend the night in the hospital.

-Glen Benton of deicide threatening to kick my ass in front of the whole crowd at St Andrews hall in 2000 or 2001. its on you tube somewhere probably. I was filming the show with a camcorder from the front row, without permission. when his roadie pointed me out to him, he stopped the show, spot light on me, and he called me out :doh: :D The whole crowd was looking at me, yelling "kick his asss gleeen!". i was like 17. i just stopped filming and walked out.
The Pine Knob sod fights are a classic. I've been there.