Where do you guys get your tubes?

Okay sis, will ship it to you in a watertight box via FedEx

#1 is 25 US$
+ 35 US$ shipping costs from Germany
+ 12 US$ for the watertight box

First pay the total of 72 US$ through PayPal to disfigured@mindless.com
After he told me that the payment went in I'd ship to you promptly :yes:

Anytime you want to provide proof that you refunded me, please let me know. 🙂

Btw, did Steve K’s widow get his refund?
Are you her accountant?
Do you have still any other questions about issues in my life that do not concern you?
Yes I’m concerned that you ripped me off.

Yes, I’m concerned about others that you have or are planning to rip off.

It concerns me that you are a liar and a thief and i don’t feel comfortable sitting around doing nothing while watching you take money from others with the knowledge I have about you.
Yes I’m concerned that you ripped me off.

Yes, I’m concerned about others that you have or are planning to rip off.

It concerns me that you are a liar and a thief and i don’t feel comfortable sitting around doing nothing while watching you take money from others with the knowledge I have about you.
After your last inpatient therapy and the neuroleptics prescribed for you obviously didn't do anything in your head, I can only give you confused, schizophrenic psychopath a Russian practical tip, which might also help in hopeless cases like yours:

Mix half a liter of chlorine dioxide with half a liter of castor oil, heat this mixture to around 40 degrees Celsius and then drink it up in one gulp.
Then sit on the toilet and stay there until all the dirt has completely escaped from your intestines - so that all the shit that is under your skullcap can finally slide down and your through excessive cocaine consumption to the size of a hazelnut shrunken residual brain releases again.

If that doesn't help and you're still having confused thoughts afterward, repeat the entire process.

If after using the Russian method twice it still doesn't work with your residual brain function, then you are obviously a very stubborn case where only the North Korean method works, it is a very fast-acting method and does not cause any pain when used - it works as follows in 3 steps:

1 - take a nail firmly in one hand.
2 - hold the faucet in the bathroom with your other hand
3 - now insert the nail into the left contact of a wall socket

This method has reliably helped EVERY mentally ill person to date. So far, those affected have all been completely healed and have never needed any medication again ☠️
After your last inpatient therapy and the neuroleptics prescribed for you obviously didn't do anything in your head, I can only give you confused, schizophrenic psychopath a Russian practical tip, which might also help in hopeless cases like yours:

Mix half a liter of chlorine dioxide with half a liter of castor oil, heat this mixture to around 40 degrees Celsius and then drink it up in one gulp.
Then sit on the toilet and stay there until all the dirt has completely escaped from your intestines - so that all the shit that is under your skullcap can finally slide down and your through excessive cocaine consumption to the size of a hazelnut shrunken residual brain releases again.

If that doesn't help and you're still having confused thoughts afterward, repeat the entire process.

If after using the Russian method twice it still doesn't work with your residual brain function, then you are obviously a very stubborn case where only the North Korean method works, it is a very fast-acting method and does not cause any pain when used - it works as follows in 3 steps:

1 - take a nail firmly in one hand.
2 - hold the faucet in the bathroom with your other hand
3 - now insert the nail into the left contact of a wall socket

This method has reliably helped EVERY mentally ill person to date. So far, those affected have all been completely healed and have never needed any medication again

Again, with the death stuff.

How do you continue to get away with your thievery and lies and this bullshit and not getting banned from here sort of perplexes me.
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Again, with the death stuff.

How do you continue to get away with your thievery and lies and this bullshit and not getting banned from here sort of perplexes me.

Man, I feel so sorry for your family.
I hope with all of the money you steal from people here, if they never get it back, at least it is eventually inherited by your family members who are going need to pay for intensive psychotherapy after a lifetime with you.
Let's see, maybe tomorrow or Monday I'll be in a good mood again and do you the favor of responding to your sick texts?

But not anymore today, because apart from my psycho-ping-pong with you and my business I also have a private life...

... in complete contrast to you, who is sitting at home all alone, confused and frustrated in a cold apartment, because once again this month it was not enough to have the oil tank filled.

Nevertheless, from the bottom of my heart I wish you a fulfilling weekend and I wish you even more success in your search for your medication 🙏
Let's see, maybe tomorrow or Monday I'll be in a good mood again and do you the favor of responding to your sick texts?

But not anymore today, because apart from my psycho-ping-pong with you and my business I also have a private life...

... in complete contrast to you, who is sitting at home all alone, confused and frustrated in a cold apartment, because once again this month it was not enough to have the oil tank filled.

Nevertheless, from the bottom of my heart I wish you a fulfilling weekend and I wish you even more success in your search for your medication 🙏

Sure Helmut.

Facts are still facts, and you haven’t presented any to me when I asked for proof on your refund to me, because there isn’t any.
Let's see, maybe tomorrow or Monday I'll be in a good mood again and do you the favor of responding to your sick texts?

But not anymore today, because apart from my psycho-ping-pong with you and my business I also have a private life...
Translation: I’m going to spend all weekend typing out my big comeback response that I think is brilliant but everyone else thinks is nonsensical mad ravings.

Ok. Have a good weekend Larry, see you Monday. Hopefully you find your big boy pants by then. 😘
Larry, first thing on your to do list Monday morning is to take 5 minutes of your day and get the records proving you wired the money. And please, no “Can’t because of computer problem as I’m still running Windows 97” excuses. Or call your bank for the documentation. There wouldn’t be a reason why you’d be hesitant to contact the bank, would there? That could have been done long ago, sparing us this situation. Wouldn’t that be better?

Have a soul searching weekend, Dragon!
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I have some places to look now and I appreciate it.

To the larry guys fighting: are you guys gonna fuck each other up or what? I keep waiting but im starting to feel like its all jack and no nut.