Where does the noise gate belong??

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So forever I have been using the noise gate after my TS9. Do most of you guys use it before it? What's the difference. I can't test because I'm away right now but I'm reading more and more people using it before the OD.
I've tried at the start and end of my chain, and I prefer it at the end.

Tuner > OD > Noisegate > amp, for me.

I only have a regular ISP Decimator, though. The four cable method is out of reach for me right now.
Ive always used it before the OD because the OD's can be noisy and you might have to run the gate stronger.

I use it after the Dirt. :thumbsup:
My ISP Decimator is always the first thing my guitar goes into. I can stand at band volume in front of my cab with the boost on and not feedback.
I've always used it in my loop...takes care of all the white noise I can't stand. Never had an issue with any ods before.
I use it at the end of my chain right before the Delay and Reverb. And I run my board in the Series loop of a Einstein too. I think it can work in the front of the amp, But I always run it after my OD either way. So my chain would go as follows: Guitar>OD/Distortion>tone shifting pedals(Chorus/Phase/)>ISP DECI>Delay>Reverb>Front of amp OR in my case in the loop. I tried it in front of the amp but it's too touchy for my settings. It has to be set REALLY high (in my case) for the OD/High gain tones which then cuts out too much of sustain on the clean channel/Low gain stuff. I've seen many fella's run two ISP foot pedals before too. One in the loop and one in the front. I think that would be the best of both worlds. For me using 1 ISP in front of the amp, I find myself turn it on and off all night. Where as in the loop I just set it at about 12-1 o'clock and turn it on for the night.
I have two Decimators in my set up. One upfront to get rid of feedback and noise from my OD. Then my other one is in the loop to get rid of the hiss on the high gain channel. I have the decimators in loops so I can easily switch them in and out on every preset if I don't need them.
When I have used a noise gate, I find putting it in the loop, before delay/reverb works best. If there is no loop, I'd put it after distortion pedals, before delay/reverb.

Putting it before gain doesn't work for me because the distortion's hiss still being there negates the whole point of me even needing to use a noise gate.
I always have mine at the very end of my signal chain (in front of the amp). Putting it in the loop (as has been mentioned) is a benefit as well. Gets rid of any hiss from the high-gain channel. In my opinion, decimators should be built into the amp circuit. It has zero effect of the tone and takes away all of the unwanted noise. Couldn't live without mine.
ns-2 up front, just before the amp set tight. decimator in the loop to get rid of amp hiss.

in the front use noise gates after any gain or boost pedals, before time-based pedals. in the loop, it should be the first thing before any other time based effects, but after an eq if yo are using one in the loop.

this has worked for me for decades, but this is all just my opinion.
How does using a gate first before the any OD pedal and preamp get rid of noise? :confused:
Sounds like it would only get rid of noise brought on by your guitar pickups and some slight RF interference in that configuration.

If didn't have a rack setup and needed a gate I would just get a g string. It works incredibly well and it gates both in front and after the preamp.
Anything else is just half assing it.