Which 80s finger slinger wrote the most unique solos?

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Amazing tone. I was too young to really be into 80's music but that playing is just badass and a killer tone for the vibe of the production. Operation Mindcrime is an amazing album to just isolate yourself, maybe puff something, get some good headphones and go on a journey.
Same! I was born 90, and though I was definitely saturated with 80s music in my youth from older people like my Dad, only a few bands stuck, though the influences to my playing couldn't be denied. When I was in my 20s, I would get EVH comments all the time even though I never listened to him myself. Steve Vai and Satch, all the normal 'Guitar God' influences when you are a kid.

I have grown out of enjoying a lot of that like I used to, but not that QR album. Mindcrime is just a little bit of a masterpiece. I am surprised that I can listen to it now with even more joy than when I was younger.
Amazing tone. I was too young to really be into 80's music but that playing is just badass and a killer tone for the vibe of the production. Operation Mindcrime is an amazing album to just isolate yourself, maybe puff something, get some good headphones and go on a journey.
I showed the album to my wife after we got married. I'll randomly sing a line, and she can finish it. The album has some absolute smash hits. The intro to 'The Mission' is still amongst one of the greatest track openings EVER. 'Suite Sister Mary' - Yes.

EDIT: WIfe heard me playing 'The Mission' from the other room and just came in singing it LOL She said "I don't even like 80s music but that album is BADASS."

I was wrong, we listened to Queensryche together when we pretty much first met and randomly went on a 2 week trip together. That trip changed my entire life.
I always laugh when guys mention poison, white lion, winger and some others… back in my high school days they were considered posers and chick bands…lol… watched a dude get his ass whooped in the bathroom because he wrote in the school paper white lion was better than AC/DC… ohhh the silly stuff back then compared to now…

His name didn’t happen to be Stewart, did it? ?
On those first few albums when I’ve really didn’t know too much about how to play, I really thought Michael Wilton was the “good guitarist” but as I got older and learned those tunes it was Chris Degarmo who had all the sexy melodies and hooks. I think he was the key to the band because after he left they never sounded the same.
Well said................Degarmo was the soul of Queensryche
I always laugh when guys mention poison, white lion, winger and some others… back in my high school days they were considered posers and chick bands…lol… watched a dude get his ass whooped in the bathroom because he wrote in the school paper white lion was better than AC/DC… ohhh the silly stuff back then compared to now…
You could've been killed for knocking AC/DC. There was like a dozen dudes in a clique that wore their shirts every day. And when it wasn't AC/DC shirts kicking the shit out of kids it was Kreator dudes with mullets in Camaros chasing them down. Also, if you liked Bob Marley you also better profess a strong love for Pantera or the Pantera dudes and the rednecks would both work together to eliminate you from the gene pool. Dangerous times.

I had a buddy who lived across the lake who would only listen to his favorite band, Kix, when he was out in the safety of his small runabout. :LOL:
Zakk wylde. Blazing fast pentatonic lickd and his signature lick that is hard to describe.....the 3 note lick where does a tap and pull of thing where the notes are either descending or ascending chromatically. He does it for example in I don't want to save the world if that helps
It's his fake whammy harmonic. Did it a lot on No Rest especially.

Zakk is definitely one of the most unique guys to come out of the 80s, and he brought a more straightforward, AC/DC blues rock vibe to Ozzy. In a time when super liquidy tapped arpeggios was king, his playing was deliberately choppy and straightforward pentatonics.
Criss was a fucking monster of a player, and has a very idiosyncratic technique

His stuff is really "slippery" with a lot of odd hammers/pull offs and it's really uniquely voiced
Criss is easily in my top four favorite guitar players. To me, he's up there with EVH, Yngwie and Lynch. I’ve learned a lot playing his music.
Criss is easily in my top four favorite guitar players. To me, he's up there with EVH, Yngwie and Lynch. I’ve learned a lot playing his music.

Same. He approaches leads and melodies in a really original way that sounds like no one else, and learning his stuff has opened my mind to a ton of new voicings and ideas
You could've been killed for knocking AC/DC. There was like a dozen dudes in a clique that wore their shirts every day. And when it wasn't AC/DC shirts kicking the shit out of kids it was Kreator dudes with mullets in Camaros chasing them down.
Not that anyone will be surprised, but I spent a good chunk of the 80s wearing a Kreator Pleasure to Kill shirt while sporting a mullet and driving a 75 Camaro.
Agree with Vito, Lynch, Warren, and it's awesome that Chris Oliva is mentioned here. I was just thinking about him yesterday cause I heard Doc (former drummer) on a local radio ad here. Chris had such cool phrasing. That band never really survived his death imo.
A lot of good stuff here so I was trying to think of someone who has not been mentioned yet. So I'm going to say Skid Row. Dual guitarists Sabo and Scotti Hill. I loved the riffs and the solo tones. Little known fact is that they had to pay Gary Moore for the rights to use the name because he already had a band named that in Europe :dunno:

+1 Reb Beach. Huge influence on me.

I always laugh when guys mention poison, white lion, winger and some others… back in my high school days they were considered posers and chick bands…lol… watched a dude get his ass whooped in the bathroom because he wrote in the school paper white lion was better than AC/DC… ohhh the silly stuff back then compared to now…

I definitely get that. I had friends in both camps and both sides made fun of the other. But I could go from Megadeth to Poison on my cassette player without concern. :lol:
