Which Diesel is the best for Metal Music ?

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Which Diesel do you thinck is the better for playing Metal Music ? thanck you
Probably the VH4/S cause it has that additional 4th channel with gain that'll blow a train off the tracks :D
As far as DieZel amps are concerned, I thinK they all would fit... depends on what you play and really want.

The Herbert has a Mid-Cut function which a lota metalheads would really love.

If you're really talking about DieSel, with an S.
I think this one would be the ideal one for metalheads:

Diezel sorry lol ! and for the cabs ? i don't know what i must choose...thanck you for helping me !!

i don't know whichone choose between the Herbert and VH4/S..what are using James Hetfield ? i've seen TOOL in concert they used VH4/S...

Well... for the cab, I can't help you... I can't choose either.
My last idea was a frontloaded with V30s, but I change my mind all the time :D

A lot of other subjects talk about it, you could go to the "search" section to get some info about it.

Both Herbert and VH4 are killer amps.
Try to hear both (If possible... I don't know where you live...)

Hetfield uses the VH4 and yes Adam from Tool also uses VH's, he now has two instead of one.
Yeah, but they also use shitloads of equipment to get their tone out of the VH4.
The Herbert wins this category easily. It's what it's been built for.
The Herbert or VH4. Channels 3 and 4 on a VH4 are very similar to 2 (+) and 3 on the Herbert. But you can add the Mid Cut feature on top of that. My vote goes for the Herbert.
so far, i've never heard a better cab than my Diezel 4*12 vintage 30 speakers
Couldnt you do a "mid cut" on the VH4 just by turning the mids dial down?
Don't know...
I'm not sure it works on the same frequencies...

and what I like is the fact that I can switch from a mid-cut sound to a lead sound with a lot of mids...

No doubt about the best for metal...


The mid-cut will change your life !!! Believe me !!! When I got my hebert, I played channel 2... then channel 3... They sounds really amazing.. great metal sound !!! I was amazed...

BUT !!!

After that, I activated the Midcut... wooohh... that was blowing everything down ... really have no words... after playing a few minutes... I turned the midcut off, and heard the 2 and 3 channels itself, and they sounds like a "light coke" xDDDD (even when I was so amazed with those before thear the midcut)... That means, midcut will change your life !!! believe me... if you are into metal, the midcut is what you are serching for... (and for many many many other styles, BUT for metal is the very best of the best)
Ampaddict":60dec said:
The Herbert or VH4. Channels 3 and 4 on a VH4 are very similar to 2 (+) and 3 on the Herbert. But you can add the Mid Cut feature on top of that. My vote goes for the Herbert.

Not even close man. The VH4 sounds nothing like the Herbert to me, and no you can't achieve a mid-cut like feature with a VH4 by turning your mids all the way down, because the mid-cut actually trims (and cuts, if you really want that) the frequency of the mids, while turning the mids down on the VH4 will only, well, turn them down.
Thanck you to all !!! i thinck i'n gonna choose the Herbert so...and Diezel 4*12 vintage 30 speakers...

if you wanna hear my band www.myspace.com/caedes1
I guess that depends entirely what kind of metal tone you want!

I play metal but it depends what flavour. I got a Herbie in the end but it was tricky. I could have chosen either for the metal sound I'm looking for. I don't go for a very vicious "death" type sound; I'm more for big chunky fat warm grind in a Adam Jones/Metallica Black album style for lack of a better description. They both use a VH4 though so it depends. If you want more of a "Dimebag" sound then I guess the Herbie is better. If you want a more "fat" metal sound then either would do.

I play metal stuff and chose the Herbie because I preferred it for entirely different reasons, not cuz of whether it was more metal. To be fair I could have tossed a coin for which to buy and been happy! In the shop figured I didn't really need the mid cut function for the tone I was looking for. To be fair I have used it since I have it though! I do wonder sometimes if I would have preferred a VH4 but not because I find the Herbie lacking in any way! Maybe I'd be better being able to have 2 high gain channels with a bluesy channel and a clean without fiddling knobs (VH4), instead of having 2 high gain and one clean, or 1 bluesy, 1 hi-gain, and one clean. Maybe I should have a 4 channel Herbie!

To be fair though, I can always get a guitar splitter, and put my Mesa Triaxis in the return of the switchable loop and have an 11 channel Herbie! It works fine, though a bit expensive! I read a review on HC saying the Triaxis is the only thing they'd heard that could get a lead sound close to CH4 of a VH4, so maybe I do have something like a Herbie with a VH4 channel 4 if I do this! Winner! I'll play about with it some more when I get a chance!
If the mid cut is that important for "the sound" but you want 4 channels and the VH4 vibe, just run an eq in the insert of channel 3 or 4 and instant cut. It's programmable so it works great, plus you can taylor what you cut.
I'm not sure that's the same thing though man...also, you can taylor the midcut on the Herbie too. :)
scottph":6c8aa said:

Not even close man. The VH4 sounds nothing like the Herbert to me, and no you can't achieve a mid-cut like feature with a VH4 by turning your mids all the way down, because the mid-cut actually trims (and cuts, if you really want that) the frequency of the mids, while turning the mids down on the VH4 will only, well, turn them down.

I'm not sure i fully understand your statement.

EQs are EQs (speaking generally of course.)

If you cut mids, you are reducing by a decibel level the amount of mids that are present in the signal.

My guess is that the Mid-Cut affects a certain range of Mid freqs on the Herbert, different to the way the Mid EQ on the VH4 affects the Mids.

Having said that, sometimes EQs on amps don't only cut freqs when you turn it down, they also sometimes boost other freqs on either side.

But, all in all the premise is still the same.