Which IR Loader MixIR3 or GGD Studio Cabs/Zilla?


I haven’t used either one, so I’m looking for some advice from the experienced, with one or both (or others), IR loaders that is.

Right now, my main goals is to combine/mix some of my Ownhammer, Celestion, and York Audio IR’s and make may own custom IR’s, I guess by mixing them into one. I’ll be using for the recording studio and practice. For live use I plan to use some of the custom mixed/blended IR’s I make in whichever program, load into the Boss Waza TAE.
The GGD Zilla looks easier, I don’t like complicated. I do like the idea that MixIR3 is stand-alone, so don’t need to open Logic Pro. Any help and tips I would be grateful.

Happy Fathers Day!