Who said the XTC can’t do the heaviest of tones? Let’s see!

Also… this new mic: the TUL G12: not really new, but it seems to be just now gaining steam. I absolutely love it. It sounds fantastic with a 57, phases better than just about anything, and is stupid easy to get great tones out of. If you’re dead set on adding another microphone to mic your cab up with, get this. Seriously . Trust me.
Sounds great as always man. So on this mic, the only clips of heard of it on it's on are very dark and ribbony - is that the deal? Looks like they're trying to market is a one-mic solution which is at odds with this, what's your take?
Thanks man. Pretty insane amp overrall. I like a lot of new amps, but man…. This thing smokes most of the newer’ish amps I think. Absolutely no question why it’s a legend. Sure it might have a hard time getting the absolutely heaviest of tones ( or maybe not!) but this thing just has so much tone. Love it.
It's pretty common for a lot of us to get caught up in the hype of the latest greatest only to circle back to the basics. Believe me I know, I've not had a NAD in years for this very reason - I have all the tone I could possibly want or need.

Glad you're digging it :rock: