Woman tased for not wearing a Mask outdoors?

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Is this the kind of country you want to live in? No one is anywhere near her well beyond the 6 foot social distance and she was outside just sitting watching her son play football, this cop tases her when he starts grabbing at her to remove her, he obviously isn't scared of getting covid 19 from her if she was typhoid Mary. This is getting out of hand, it's time to speak up people........

Its not a law for starters. This shit is beyond stupid.
I've seen plenty of videos of BLM protesters/rioters MASKLESS yelling, screaming, spitting in the faces of cops who are required to just stand there and take it. It seems the take on this to alot of people is that she deserved this because she violated a policy that it not fully proven. Not once did any of these cops grab at these people to remove them for not wearing a mask and then proceed to manhandle and taze them.

Does anyone see the dichotomy in enforcement here? I honestly saw a guy riding a Harley with a mask on the other day, I don't know how he kept it on...........

Alot of scientific articles prior to the pandemic have said the particle size of viruses are so small that even N95 mask's are not effective let alone the cheap Made in China floppy surgical masks everyone is wearing.
All that's missing from the flag are the hammer and sickle, Brother CentristNutz. :lol: :LOL:
Monkey Man":9pf7dqg6 said:
All that's missing from the flag are the hammer and sickle, Brother CentristNutz. :lol: :LOL:

If she just complied, and not resisted she would have never been tased :lol: :LOL:

You can't even wear a thong swimsuit these days check out these Nazi's
If I hadn't just seen this, I'd not have believed it. Then again, PC went way-OTT years ago, so it's no surprise unfortunately.

Scanning the rule book and reading the stipulation about nudity, then applying it to this case was pure-gold. Talk about keystone cops. They oughta be ashamed, big-time.
Monkey Man":2kfflx0p said:
If I hadn't just seen this, I'd not have believed it. Then again, PC went way-OTT years ago, so it's no surprise unfortunately.

Scanning the rule book and reading the stipulation about nudity, then applying it to this case was pure-gold. Talk about keystone cops. They oughta be ashamed, big-time.

yeah same here ... fuck the world is in serious trouble right now
Krull":2aw1scsl said:
Just following orders.

The Nazi SS and the concentration camp guards said the exact same thing during the Nuremburg trials.

Where I live if the local police see patrons enter a business without a mask are issuing fines and threatening closure to businesses that are already struggling to survive the economic downturn it's almost like they don't want the businesses to survive. If they think they have lost revenue so far... just wait until 60% of all small businesses/restaurants go under since we are a service economy since the party of Davos elites sold out our manufacturing to China for the last 30 years.

Chicago, NYC and California may not rebound from this and the exodus will accelerate the decline.
harddriver":vvstfmor said:
Krull":vvstfmor said:
Just following orders.

The Nazi SS and the concentration camp guards said the exact same thing in the Nuremburg trials.

Yeah, because when a police officer gives you a directive multiple times and you don't comply with it and argue with the officer as to why you don't want to comply, and then you get arrested, it's very comparable to the Holocaust.
JackTripper":237g852d said:
harddriver":237g852d said:
Krull":237g852d said:
Just following orders.

The Nazi SS and the concentration camp guards said the exact same thing in the Nuremburg trials.

Yeah, because when a police officer gives you a directive multiple times and you don't comply with it and argue with the officer as to why you don't want to comply, and then you get arrested, it's very comparable to the Holocaust.

I see your point and it is not fully comparable, I'm not anti-cop... far from it.

It seems they are putting more effort into policing menial transgressions against regular citizens than real crime. This is not the fault of the rank and file police but dingdong communist mayors like Bill Deblasio, Jacob Frey, Jenny Durkan, Ted Wheeler and board and city council members are tying the hands of police yet demanding enforcement of trivial issues. Either way this won't end well for any of us reasonable citizens.

Tell me again why all those prisoners were released from Rikers Island and across the country to run the streets fomenting more crime upon the citizens, it surely wasn't Covid, then have a revolving door No bail policy in place that won't hold criminals 24 hours after arrest.
harddriver":2qc3mq0z said:
Krull":2qc3mq0z said:
Just following orders.

The Nazi SS and the concentration camp guards said the exact same thing during the Nuremburg trials.

Talk about absolute insane false equivalency. Come on man.