Divine Intervention is the best Slayer album

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I hear Divine Ivermectin is really popular in OTC land
Divine Intervention still wouldn’t be that great with actual divine intervention.
The original Title had “You know, it wouldn’t be so bad to get some” in the front but they ran out of room.
dittohead was the first slayer song i ever heard, as a young 10 year old, on mtv. the speed, the energy, the aggression... i was blown away.
then I shop lifted a copy of show no mercy on cassette a few years later (i was a bad kid :poop: )because the cover looked so cheesy, i was like "how is this even the same band!?". Show no mercy is my favorite slayer record. Not only are the riffs killer, but it has a certain swing in the drumming that none of the other slayer records have.
if you look up HAUNTING MIDS in the dictionary... there will be an audio clip of slayers guitar tone.
Something about slayers sound makes me want to assault another human.
if you look up HAUNTING MIDS in the dictionary... there will be an audio clip of slayers guitar tone.
Something about slayers sound makes me want to assault another human.
Agreed, especially on Divine Intervention. Kerry King would use a frowny faced EQ pedal and slam his Marshall with that mid forwardness, versus Jeff's which didn't have that. They are two opposing tones that create that snarly Slayer tone when combined.
Yeah man, what's not to love?

- from the tone knob on zero guitar tone
- to the shit production
- to the huge step down in lead playing compared to Seasons
- to being the first Slayer album to blatantly regurgitate the Slayer formula
- to being the first Slayer album not to have their signature chaotic lively feel as far as the interaction of the musicians goes
- to the beginning of Araya's less than inspired vocal performances. From here on out he enunciated every word the same most of the time
- to being the first Slayer album not to spawn any classics. It has a few good songs but no classics.

Yeah, it's fuckin' great :D

That tired me out. Maybe I'll get to chapter 2 later...
They really didn't have the luxury of laying down all the tracks in one location, it was rushed, and production suffered. It was slapped together, and all the band members hated it. I personally love most of it. They should remix it.
Best Slayer album for me is Show No Mercy, when they had some of that really early US Power Metal sound in their style (talking about stuff like Abattoir or Jag Panzer, not like modern "Power Metal"). But admittedly I haven't really liked anything Hell Awaits onwards other than when I was first getting into Metal. Really wish they continued in the style of that first album.
It's the last Slayer album I purchased(later works seemed to have too much"outside" influence....it(Divine Intervention) was good, but it also had the pleasure of delivering what Slayer should, at a time when many in the genre were seemingly trying to adapt to trends of the day(foolishly), and I agree the solos were not great.....the classic stuff up til Seasons is the stuff to get, and Hell Awaits, Reign and South Of Heaven are the trifecta....With South Of Heaven getting the fav. from me, that album is pretty much perfect, it sounds evil, definite vibe there.....they may have hit some groove elements before Pantera did on South Of Heaven.
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dittohead was the first slayer song i ever heard, as a young 10 year old, on mtv. the speed, the energy, the aggression... i was blown away.
then I shop lifted a copy of show no mercy on cassette a few years later (i was a bad kid :poop: )because the cover looked so cheesy, i was like "how is this even the same band!?". Show no mercy is my favorite slayer record. Not only are the riffs killer, but it has a certain swing in the drumming that none of the other slayer records have.
I love all the albums .
It's the last Slayer album I purchased(later works seemed to have too much"outside" influence....it(Divine Intervention) was good, but it also had the pleasure of delivering what Slayer should, at a time when many in the genre were seemingly trying to adapt to trends of the day(foolishly), and I agree the solos were not great.....the classic stuff up til Seasons is the stuff to get, and Hell Awaits, Reign and South Of Heaven are the trifecta....With South Of Heaven getting the fav. from me, that album is pretty much perfect, it sounds evil, definite vibe there.....they may have hit some groove elements before Pantera did on South Of Heaven.
Yeah SOH is their darkest and most ominous album, and their best overall imo.
While all the purists will certainly point to Reign In Blood as their finest hour, I would ask that we consider Season In The Abyss. It was still plentry heavy, but showed a greater diversity of tempo and song structure. It also had actual hooks, which is a raity in that genre. Just my thoughts. And as an aside: don's sleep on God Hates Us All. Incredibley aggressive and flat out rageful record, start to finish.
Ya, God Hates Us All is underrated. Has a pretty shitty guitar tone, but the songs are real vicious.