Search results

  1. ChadVanHalen

    Modeling might be on my horizon...

    So, rejoined this cover band, typical 80's stuff, most of it is THAT tone, but there's a bit of clean breaks and this and that... Anyway, my current B rig won't do, and probably won't be able to use the Splawn all that much because of volume and weight (might work, we'll see) and since I'll be...
  2. ChadVanHalen

    Affordable-ish Multi-FX Processors

    Take me to school on these... Have a guitar player coming in, can play just doesn't have much gear and the parts he's doing happens to be more effects based than mine. I came up with a list of effects he'd need, probably can get away with not having some of these but even using all cheaper Boss...
  3. ChadVanHalen

    Sustainer block really bright?

    So I recently switched out the block in the Floyd of my Gunslinger for one I had for a parts guitar I put together a couple years ago... One thing I noticed since is that the block seemed to really thin out my tone and make hitting the bass E string sound really bright, almost single coil-y? I...
  4. ChadVanHalen

    Boss SD-1

    So normally I'm a tube screamer plugged into something super gainy goodness like a Marshall/Splawn/EVH but lately I've been playing and listening to some stuff by players who use different equipment and play a little different and I'm having trouble figuring out how to describe it... Most of...
  5. ChadVanHalen

    Quick Rod bias pot

    So did my first bias job after some tubes blew and based on plate voltage and seeing Quick Rods should be biased to about 65%, around 32.5 mv (the previous owner had it running around 55, no idea how those tubes lasted 3 years) but I was only able to get it down to something like 36 (I'm at...
  6. ChadVanHalen

    Amp Plate Voltage

    Well the time has finally come, I've busted some power tubes and now it's time to rebias for the first time I've watched a bunch of videos on it and bought the Eurotubes probe and all that my only question is on the plate voltage... Does that ever change? If I measure it once and do the...
  7. ChadVanHalen

    Lunchbox amps

    So I recently sold an Orange Micro Terror I had as a backup for shows/bringing to rehearsals if either of the 100ws were down or I was too lazy to drag them to the rehearsal space. Main reasons were the lack of FX loop, the power source wasn't an IEC (made it inconvenient to need a separate...
  8. ChadVanHalen

    Amp problems

    I'm not sure if it's brand specific or else I would have put "Splawn problems" and emailed Scott or something but an issue has come up on my Quick Rod the last couple weeks where plugging in, even straight into the amp, sounded like when you touch the end of a guitar cable that's plugged into an...
  9. ChadVanHalen

    Tone City Pedals?

    I'm tired of moving around and rearranging my main board from the main band to the side thing so I'm putting together a little b board... And nowadays the first thing that comes to mind alongside cheap and small are those Tone City pedals Anyone try them? How sturdy are they? Sound decent...
  10. ChadVanHalen

    Exploring the world of... Fuzz

    So I've gotten super into this band Ghost, and been learning to play their albums and branch out in scales and tones while doing so, half for just expanding my playing and half to find people to jam this with because this band is so damn good... Their tones are kinda fuzzy Orange not super gainy...
  11. ChadVanHalen

    Biggest music regrets

    Rush came through Salt Lake about a week ago, same week as Van Halen and had to choose between the two (looking at my EVH shoes, striped debit card, home made EVH Frankenstrat, etc I think knowing which I went to was easy) but knowing this is probably one of, if not very, last shows around here...
  12. ChadVanHalen

    Nitro or 5153 or... (AKA NAD)

    So I've brought this up a couple times but the band I'm in has started going a more saturated metal tonez over OD'd Marshall so my QR isn't really giving me what I need... So been saving up and was planning on putting money down for a Nitro, you know support American made and shit, but I've...
  13. ChadVanHalen

    Active pup players, quick question...

    So I'm getting one of two new guitars for the "dropped metal song" portion of our set so I figured I should give a guitar with active pups a try. The one I'm mostly likely to get has EMG 81/85s, the other has Duncan Blackouts. One of the songs this dedicated drop C# metulz song will play has a...
  14. ChadVanHalen


    New guitar paint job day... So a few months ago I decided to send my Gunslinger to Jeff Rich from RCA Guitars (not sure if he's a member on here, he seems to be a member on every guitar group on Facebook so he probably is lurking around here) and asked for his capable hands to give my #1 a real...
  15. ChadVanHalen

    Quick Rod with 6L6

    So at rehearsals the other day I was using my bass player's Mesa Dual Caliber instead of my Splawn and afterwards he mentioned how that's the best I've ever sounded... For that material. Since I've joined they've kind of modernized their sound with a few more drop C# songs and by the sounds of...
  16. ChadVanHalen

    I have to hand it to China (Ibanez Iceman IC520 NGD/Review)

    Ever since I was a kid watching KISS and System of a Down videos I've had a sort of guilty pleasure guitar... And it's the Iceman, but I never pulled the trigger on one mainly due to me needing to build up my Floyd collection and I wanted something that can take the place of the Les Paul, with...
  17. ChadVanHalen

    Angus doesn't give a fuuuuck

    6EWqTym2cQU We've all (hopefully) seen the classic AC/DC album cover If You Want Blood and the accompanying music video where good ol' Angus gets impaled by his SG... Well looking at it again you can see the neck pocket has a bolt on neck plate! Now I'm not a huge SG guy but surely, especially...
  18. ChadVanHalen

    Schiller strap locks stuck

    So the Schallers I ordered for the new guitars got here, I have a few guitars with them and have installed them many times but when attaching a strap to one the strap piece, the U part got stuck halfway where the ball end is slightly poking up as if the mechanism hasn't been fully engaged... I...
  19. ChadVanHalen

    NGD x2... Plus hello again?

    Hey everyone, for those who remember me I'm back!... And in the couple months I've had off I've bought a couple guitars One is one of those Korean BC Rich Mockingbird STs... Put an OFR in there and will eventually put a Sustainiac in it and DiMarzio Super III to be super Phil Collen-y and all...
  20. ChadVanHalen

    Marshall DSL noisey spring reverb

    So the other guitarist in my band plays a DSL and whenever we have our gear in the car his amp makes an obnoxious springy noise over every slight bump or moving it and after a 3 hour ride to a gig it gets on your nerve. I figured it was just a springy tube retainer but I was too lazy to open his...