Terrorist Attack At The Crocus Concert Hall In Moscow

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Why would you sooner believe that the truth is what comes from the lips of our enemies?
why do you assume the truth comes from your government? Do you believe everything your government tells you without question?
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In addition to the fact that America predicted and "for sure" knows who is responsible (Before Russia has even finished investigating), let's not forget that the culprits were caught trying to escape to Ukraine.
In addition to the fact that America predicted and "for sure" knows who is responsible (Before Russia has even finished investigating), let's not forget that the culprits were caught trying to escape to Ukraine.
Belarus actually.
"The initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists' actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. As a result of working with detained terrorists, analyzing the technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence of their connection with Ukrainian nationalists has been obtained," the Russian Investigative Committee said on Telegram.

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The Bozo Biden, UK and Ukraine administrations are so inept and incompetent they left a trail leading back to themselves - irrespective of their role, if any, in the attack on Crocus. There are many behind this, not just the alleged Isis terrorists; who funded it; who coordinated it; who provided the intel for it; who provided the logistics for it;...

one thing I've noticed about jihadists is their willingness to die for their beliefs, they often record themselves stating they are planning to die, etc; if the terrorists were actually Isis jihadists, how come so many were captured alive? some of the captured terrorists have been stating they were to paid for it upon their return, meaning they expected they would survive with the help of their "sponsors". As I said, most jihadist attacks are suicide attacks, where they don't think or plan to survive, and will continue to fight until they're killed.

I thought destroying nordstream was overt arrogance and hubris; if this attack on Crocus had western backing/support/involvement, this will be the most brazen, stupid act the west has ever done. IMO
From literally every other news source except the Russian one.
Okay, and where is literally every other news source getting their information, given that the act occurred in Russia and the suspects were apprehended in Russia?
Okay, and where is literally every other news source getting their information, given that the act occurred in Russia and the suspects were apprehended in Russia?
Well, if you check the link I just posted, a Russian official. He contradicted Putin.

Sorry, it was a Belarus official.
It's easy. When you look at a situation, always ask who benefits from the various possible outcomes; what the motives; who has the capability; etc.

Then you can look at their words and actions. For example, here's Bozo Biden publicly stating he would put an end to nordstream:

Hard to refute when someone comes out and says something, such as a threat, and then it actually happens.

The US especially the CIA have a history of overthrowing governments they don't like, going back to at least the 1950s, in Iran, where they were building a fragile but functioning democracy based on western principles. The newly elected president wanted to control the oil in Iran which threatened the profits of western oil companies; he was overthrown in the 28 Mordad coup, instigated by US and Britain who had control of Iranian oil, and replaced with the Shah. In a few decades, the people of Iran would rise up against the US puppet Shah, and create the Iran that is hated in the West to this day. The CIA & MI6 chickens have come home to roost.

Plenty more history, facts, truth, and reality if you want to know the truth. These countries didn't just decided one day to hate the US or European countries; their hatred is a result of what the US and Europeans did to them.

Another example is what China calls the "century of humiliation" 世纪屈辱 and more recently what the Japanese Empire did to China in WW2 such as Nanking. The Chinese haven't forgotten.

If you know anyone from India well enough, get them to tell you how they view British colonialism in India.

Here's more:

Just because you don't know or don't believe it doesn't make it false. The world you see isn't always how you see it. But, do go on; don't stop believing your government without question, they'd never lie to you, right? :D

Spoken like a traitor.
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Spoken like a government propagandist
Like I said, better to believe your own government than your enemies governments. That just makes you a traitor to your own people. It's your system - blame it on yourselves if you don't like them.
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