Pantera Tour

its the whole band, minus Layne.
Typically yes. But as far as the feeling goes, no.
The magic was far gone after he died.
It is common sense that Layne had the X-factor.
As is the occasion with similar situation from other known bands.
Iron Maiden after Dickinson, Sepultura after Max and then Igor,
Iced Earth after Barlow, Judas Priest after Halford, the list can go on and on.
And it's the first albums that come in mind when someone is mentioning Alice in Chains. Isn't it?
In most situations, is the vocalist the audience gets most familiar with, for better or worse and when he's gone, the "mojo" is gone.
Would Nirvana be the same without Kurt Cobain?
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It reminds me of Sepultura which I'm a huge fan and still listening to but only with Max on vocals.
The Cavalera brothers were the Sepultura band.
When the brothers left the band, first Max (guitar) then Igor (drums), it was pathetic that the other 2 members kept the name, only to take advantage of the recognition the band had by that time and continued only to put out uninspired crap that had nothing to do with the name Sepultura and it's magnitude.
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its the whole band, minus Layne. New Aic has proven itself IMO. Just a 2nd era of a great band.
Well minus mike Starr as well, but neither here nor there , I’m happy they continued on and do agree jerry was a huge part, but I could never get into the new singer , guess I’m just a stubborn old man from the PNW