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    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to RaceU4her's post in the thread The LAST metalhead with Like Like.
      Listening to my recent 5153 clips now again, I’m still saying just grab one of them for the $750 they go for.. quiet, no boost needed...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to thegame's post in the thread Gojira at the Olympics! with Haha Haha.
      Did they get the gold in synchronized headbanging?
    • glpg80
      The return level is just a potentiometer wired as a voltage divider with an additional protection resistor. One side of the pot is the...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 replied to the thread 6ca7 vs EL34.
      I agree with this sentiment whole heartedly. I keep both of my high gain Marshall’s around that actually sound close to one another...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to braintheory's post in the thread 6ca7 vs EL34 with Like Like.
      Yes, there’s been some amps where I definitely preferred 6L6’s to EL34’s in it, vice versa, some where I even liked KT77’s or others...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to savant421's post in the thread 6ca7 vs EL34 with Like Like.
      GT branded 6CA7s in my Bogner Uberschall is super vicious! I actually LOVE the GT branded ones and the EH ones. Both are a more throaty...
    • glpg80
      I am really digging my KSR Colossus as a modern, multi-channel amp. Always like to have one in the stable. It has a great clean...
    • glpg80
      I’d still prefer a Recto, especially if it’s an earlier revision, but it’s imo at least better than Revv (similar ballpark of sounding...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 replied to the thread 6ca7 vs EL34.
      As someone who can design high gain preamps it’s also worth noting the preamp is typically designed around or intended to compliment a...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to OldGtrGuy's post in the thread 6ca7 vs EL34 with Like Like.
      I know you said in general and my thoughts are way out there but I think it's going to depend on the amp you're using. I used to...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to braintheory's post in the thread 6ca7 vs EL34 with Like Like.
      EL34's would have IME generally less bass and highs, more mids and uppermids than 6CA7's. I prefer EL34's usually. 6CA7's sound to me...
    • glpg80
      I’ve only ever owned/played a Triple Multi Watt, haven’t tried the dual MW to know how/if they differ other than 150w vs 100w. I have...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to angelspade's post in the thread Favorite revisions/model of amps with Like Like.
      A few thoughts.: I've always felt that the Peavy 5150II was superior to the original 5150. Tighter, slightly brighter and more...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to braintheory's post in the thread Favorite revisions/model of amps with Like Like.
      You already know mine lol, but will repeat anyway: Marks: IIC+ HRG Recto’s: Revision C VH4: ‘90’s Blueface and earlier ptp Protoypes...
    • glpg80
      glpg80 reacted to Ryan990's post in the thread Favorite revisions/model of amps with Like Like.
      I preferred the 101B over the Pandora The Rev Green uber to the blue and ultra Rev F recto over a G dual The peavey 3120 over the triple...
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