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      lessarti replied to the thread Helios 100 Question.
      It is very very nice, lots of mids but upper mid dominance. It has that fizzy high that is smooth but searing, but you get a raw...
    • L
      lessarti replied to the thread Friedman Butterslax.
      Yeah man, that too. My initial post was moreso with regards to channel 2 and 3, but channel 1 is really cool plexi to jcm 800 gain...
    • L
      lessarti replied to the thread Friedman Butterslax.
      Yes, that is true, maybe I should clarify what I mean. Treble like 3 O'clock and higher and Mids at 2 O'clock with Presence around 2...
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      lessarti posted the thread Friedman Butterslax in Rig-Talk.
      Has anyone else tried or owned one of these, and can chime in on their findings for tweaking for a more raw/brighter sound? I am a...
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