“Play Authentic” can eat my authentic ass


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About the new Adam Jones, I've had two of the new gen Epis with the new headstocks, and I find they're hype, more than anything. I don't feel they've improved in quality whatsoever from the last gen.

I've always wanted an Edwards. Please let us know how they are. Right now, I'm playing a Gibson Les Paul Tribute which I absolutely love the sound of, but I'm not particularly fond of the looks, if I must be honest.

That’s a bummer to hear. I wonder if it’s an inconsistency thing or what? The only negative thing I’ve really heard about it was that they don’t set them up out of the factory, but that’d be fine with me because I change everything anyway.

Is it a fit/finish thing, or the replaceable shit? I’m fine buying it if I have to replace hardware/pickups, like I said above, I often end up doing that anyway.
That’s a bummer to hear. I wonder if it’s an inconsistency thing or what? The only negative thing I’ve really heard about it was that they don’t set them up out of the factory, but that’d be fine with me because I change everything anyway.

Is it a fit/finish thing, or the replaceable shit? I’m fine buying it if I have to replace hardware/pickups, like I said above, I often end up doing that anyway.
The finish on both of mine (I had a Les Paul Custom and still have the 1959 Les Paul that I'm trying to sell) was good. No complaints there.

It's the fretwork that's absolutely attrocious on both. OK, that can be sorted out by a good fret job, but the Custom had a couple of spots where the frets were lifting off the edge of the fretboard.

The pickups weren't my thing on either, but that's a taste thing.

The Epiphone Locktone whatever bridge is pretty bad. The finish tarnishes super easily, and it's rattle city.

So I changed the bridge and pickups on my 1959, and it still doesn't sound as good as my lower-end Gibson, so that's why I'm selling. It does look better, though. I'll give it that.
I’ve never really had a big interest in Les Pauls, except for Norlin-era Silverbursts because I LOVE the way they fade over time. Once I found out about the Adam Jones Epi I started doing some digging to see how they compare to actual Norlin-era LPC’s, or even just a regular LPC, but during that week of digging into LPC specs/eras, I was bit by the LP bug.

No fucking way am I paying Gibson’s prices though. I started looking at all the MIJ LP’s; Burny, Edwards, Orville, Greco, etc and put a few on a watchlist in case I decided to pull the trigger. I came across an Orville that I could not stop thinking about and decided to buy it.
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I already ordered a zebra Aldrich for the bridge position, but I’m going to hold off to see what the neck sounds like before swapping it. It’s a ‘97 and yeah, I know it’s a photoflame. Don’t really care!

While I was doing research on all the MIJ’s, I found out that Gibson told Edwards to fuck off with their Gibson models, they were all discontinued around last September, if I remember right. You can still find a new Edwards LP here and there, but they’re getting rare and I’d imagine prices are going to jump up once they’re all gone. Not wanting to miss out on a good deal, I bought this one this morning.

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I’ll probably slap some EMG’s in it and call it a day. I would have gotten the white one if I could have found one new for the same price, but I got this for $1027 shipped from Japan. Funnily enough, I had it on a watchlist and wanted to look into what it’s like importing a guitar from Japan before I went through with it. I joined an Edwards FB group and one of the first posts I saw was a dude linking this guitar and saying how the company handles everything, you just pay the Reverb cost and it’s all handled on their end. Sold!

The one good thing about getting older; you still have the same giddy feeling of waiting for a new guitar as you did when you were 15, except now you can actually afford them every now and then!
So you won't pay Gibson's prices, instead you buy two copies? Reminds me of a guy who said he didn't have money to buy such an expensive guitar like mine. The guy had 9 cheap guitars (Squier, Epiphone,...) 🤔
I'm a lifelong Gibson player and nearly dumped them forever when they were having tons of issues and that bankruptcy stuff was going on. I couldn't find a nice playing, reasonable Les Paul.

Fast forward and my LP Standard is awesome! Solid, stays in tune, great playability, etc. I'm thankful for the MIJ companies because they forced Gibson to step up!
Remember when Gibson made that video telling people to "Play Authentic" and that if people posted videos with Gibson guitars without paying up royalties, even if the nameplate was covered with tape, Gibson would basically sue?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
To the OP: both of those look hot! Especially the black custom. I have two LP Standards but a LPC is on my bucket list. The Edwards route sounds like it could be for me. Let us know how it works out.
Well I'm certain some copies kill it.
However just like a Harley the ones that are real and say Gibson will always look cooler !
This is not the shit I need to read! Since I can’t stop thinking on it: which Greco is the one to get? Sadly I was already pondering one; The sykes. Is there a year? Or is there an even better one?
I currently own 10 LP style guitars and have owned many more. I have 2 Edwards, an old Ibanez DC copy, Electra Lawsuit, Aria Pro II (I believe it's a 76) , Chinese Epi, Korean Agile 3100, Gibson XPL, Studio and a Standard.

I had one Edwards LP Custom that I couldn't get rid of fast enough. Beautiful guitar, just dead, had no life to it. I've also had several old Japanese copies over the years that have came and went.

Out of the current stock, they all get playing time. Some more than others and they all smoke the Studio but the only one that comes even close to the Standard is the Ibby. The difference really shines through when played through my XTC. It's not as noticeable through my other amps.

Now this being said , if were to gig with a 6505, Dual Rec or any other run of the mill amp, any one of these guitars would suffice.

To the OP, those are some badass guitars. Congrats!
Gibson is such an atrocious company. Price to quality ratio was always bad compared to most other manufacturers and I've never even bothered to buy their Studio or Standard models. I really should've bought that Tandler Beauty that a friend offered me years ago instead of buying another R8. I've sold my last Gibson well over a decade ago and never looked back and after that play authentic crap there's no reason for me to consider another Gibson ever.
So you won't pay Gibson's prices, instead you buy two copies? Reminds me of a guy who said he didn't have money to buy such an expensive guitar like mine. The guy had 9 cheap guitars (Squier, Epiphone,...) 🤔

Yeah, because I got two killer guitars for $2400 instead of one guitar for $3500. Not sure how that doesn’t compute, but these are pretty far apart from Squire‘s level of quality. Sorry if not buying a Gibson is offensive, but fuck that shit.
I want an early 90s Gibson Studio with the ebony board

One of my former guitar players has one, it’s great but damn that neck is tiny! I couldn’t believe how small that neck felt when I played it. I asked him back in the day to let me know if he ever sold it, but I played it again last year and the neck is way too small for what I prefer these days. It’s still a killer guitar and it’s got one the most broken in necks I’ve ever played, fretboard edges almost look scalloped they’re so rolled!
Gibson is such an atrocious company. Price to quality ratio was always bad compared to most other manufacturers and I've never even bothered to buy their Studio or Standard models. I really should've bought that Tandler Beauty that a friend offered me years ago instead of buying another R8. I've sold my last Gibson well over a decade ago and never looked back and after that play authentic crap there's no reason for me to consider another Gibson ever.

I definitely can’t rationalize buying a new Gibson, not for the prices they’re asking, but I also can’t rationalize buying anything Ibanez has been putting out, either, mid-priced or top end stuff. I really can’t rationalize paying more than $1500 for any guitar at this point when there are alternatives for so many. Strats I’d rather just build partscasters, Ibanez I’d rather just buy a 90’s MIJ, Gibson I’d rather just buy another brand entirely.

My JEM is the most expensive guitar I own and that was $1650 in ‘97, as much as I love that line, there’s no fuckin’ way I’d pay $3500 for them, which is what Ibanez is starting them off at (or the Pia’s). I get inflation and all that, but that’s some serious dime for a regular production model that’s really no different than anything they’ve done for the last 30 years, they basically just made it so you have to pay up the ass to not get a poorly built guitar.