Bogner Ecstasy 101B capacitor info needed

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Impala Sal
Impala Sal
New member
Hi all,
This is my first post here. I am repairing my son's Bogner 101B amplifier. It was blowing the 5 amp fuse immediately when you turn on the amplifier. First thing is I tested the EL34 tubes just to make sure one was not shorted, but reading up on the amp the 1 amp fuse would have probably blown first since that is on the B+ rail going to the output tubes. We installed a new 5 amp fuse, left the EL34's out, and I plugged in the amp into a dim bulb tester which basically is a 60 watt light bulb in series with what ever is plugged into it and limits the current to about a 1/2 amp. Turned on the amp and the 60 watt bulb lit up at full brightness so there is a dead short somewhere. We pulled the chassis out and five of the 56uf/450v electrolytic filter capacitors in the B+ supply were swollen and a 15,000uf/25v capacitor was so swollen it was about to burst. I told my son, lets replace the capacitors before we go any further and see if that takes care of the short. I'll test the capacitors when I unsolder them. You can see how swollen they are in the attached picture.

Anyway, my question is this, since I didn't pull out the printed circuit board from the chassis yet, does anyone know if the capacitors wires are radial lead or snap in type leads?



  • bognercaps.jpg
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The definative thing to do (though there may be a bit of a wait for eMail reply) is give 'em a call; +1 818 765 8929 ;other contact details on their site( bogneramplification ) ,or,
They may well have the 'approved' caps required,also...
Good luck with the servicing,
kind regards David.
Hi David,
I ordered snap in capacitors because looking at the capacitors physical size to me looks like they would be snap in, but since you replied with Bogners phone number I just called them and they did verify the capacitors are snap in. He did say the capacitors bulging was just the plastic disk and under the disk is the aluminum which is flat. I was not able to check the full wave bridge until I unsolder some wires and remove all the nuts on the controls but he did say most likely it can be the bridge rectifier, or the power transformer which is a possibility.

I'll keep you all posted once I get the capacitors and dig a little deeper.

These are snap-in caps. I had replaced exactly those You are about to replace after less than two years of usage my amp, in 2010. Mine was bulged too. I used Nichicon caps with aluminium bottoms (not plastic). Since then no problems.

My friend's 101B had the same issue two years ago. Again Nichicon used to replace the original ones and no problems since then too.

Regards, Andy :)
Thanks for the information Andy. Did your amp blow the 5 amp fuse also?

No, it didn't. The caps in both mine and my friend's amps wasn't as bulged as in Your amp though. But they definitely need to be replaced.

Then get the fresh set of poweramp tubes, set bias at no more than 30mA and see what is happening.

Also check the poweramp grid stoppers, these are big white rectangles R102, R103, R107 & R110 near the powertubes sockets. Check if they hold the voltage under the 5W, if not - replace them. I replaced them in mine amp to NOS 7W versions, although mine were ok. I did it just-in-case.

Regards, Andy :)
Great information Andy. Do you know how many ma the bias is supposed to be set at? Is it 30ma per tube, that seems low for EL34's depending on the the B+ voltage.

Yes, it is 30mA per tube. If You set it higher You'll exceed 5W on grid stoppers which would cause the amp to malfunction. I have 7W resistors and set the bias max. at 32mA. More mA's make my amp sounding harsh.

Regards, Andy :)
Thanks again for the information Andy. I'll ping you if I have any more questions since you worked on your amp.

No problem Sal, feel free to ask any questions. I've modded my amp quite extensively so I guess I got known with it quite a bit :). Always a pleasure to help.

Regards, Andy :)
My son's Bogner XTC 101B is fixed. It was a semi-shorted diode in the high voltage bridge rectifier, very odd, it was not totally shorted but read the same resistance when you swapped the meter leads.
