DEE-Yamm...What Small Gigging Amp Made you Say that?

Looking for a small gigging amp with "that" tone. That amp that sustains great with cleans making you feel almost you don't need an overdrive. Excellent Cleans...crank volume for overdrive...Back off the volume to your clean. I've owned just about every overdrive pedal and still not satisfied. Looking to get the goods from an amp and maybe goose it with a pedal.
MT15 was pretty sweet for what it is. One of the few amps I've had where I didn't feel the need to boost.

I'm not into the lunchbox amps however. If I were to do it again I would get the JJ Jr just because or more than likely would have some kind of pedalboard rig like a PA50/Ceres.
Nothing cleans up better with a volume knob than a Zinky drive channel in my limited experience.
Well, the Fender hand wired deluxe reverb is like that when turned way up.

Also the Tone King Sky King is ridiculously good. Best clean I’ve ever heard.
3rd Power Dirty Sink and Bad Cat Hot Cat 30R
I bought the Bad Cat because it was higher wattage.
The Hot Cat has a lot of that Class A sag though, the Third Power sounds and feels good.

I have talked to quite a few guys that aren’t too fond of the feel of that amp.

for class A, there is also the Cornford Hellcat which sounds good, lower wattage, 30 watts perhaps? Troy Grady has got some great tone on his Cracking the Code videos with a Hellcat. He also uses the Roccaforte HG and gets hood tone out of that. It’s a small combo, great for smaller gigs.

I always wanted to try that Non class A Bad Cat. The Lynx I think it is? Or maybe it’s the other one, the Panther I think? One is class A/B and supposedly a good gain machine.
The Hot Cat has a lot of that Class A sag though, the Third Power sounds and feels good.

I have talked to quite a few guys that aren’t too fond of the feel of that amp.

for class A, there is also the Cornford Hellcat which sounds good, lower wattage, 30 watts perhaps? Troy Grady has got some great tone on his Cracking the Code videos with a Hellcat. He also uses the Roccaforte HG and gets hood tone out of that. It’s a small combo, great for smaller gigs.

I always wanted to try that Non class A Bad Cat. The Lynx I think it is? Or maybe it’s the other one, the Panther I think? One is class A/B and supposedly a good gain machine.
Class “A” or cathode bias “AB”?
Peavey Classic 30's do what you are talking about very, very well.
Absolute sleeper these are!! Best project amp I've worked on - and I've worked on many. But even as is - stock - amazing amp.

Outside of this - my Atma combo never ceases to amaze me. Heavy AF for its diminutive size, but I suppose that's where all its jam comes from. She's a beast.
I had a 1984 Marshall 75 watt solid state reverb 1x12 combo amp that had the 150 watt Sidewinder Celestion speaker in it. When I didn't want to load my half stack I used to drag this combo amp to jams with guys that had 50 and 100 watt Marshall halfstacks and this little amp used to keep up if not overpower them it cut the mix and was loud loud loud.....

The dudes used to just look at it in disbelief how many DB's were coming out of that little amp...........:shocked::D

I loved that little amp, I would say it sounded every bit as good as any solid state Randall if not better. It eventually gave up the ghost in the mid 90's and no tech could fix it, the traces in the circuit board would get hot downstream once a couple of resistors blew, I had multiple techs look at it with no luck. I finally gutted it an rebuilt it a small wattage modded 2203 circuit when I started building amps.

If I could find another stock one with no issues I would buy another.:2thumbsup::yes:
A dude gigging a Splawn 1x12 combo of some type with pedals and a Les Paul classic. Honestly one of the best live tones I’ve heard in a while - he had the combo opened up and it was ripping good. It didn’t sound as bad as the heads.
MT15 was pretty sweet for what it is. One of the few amps I've had where I didn't feel the need to boost.

I'm not into the lunchbox amps however. If I were to do it again I would get the JJ Jr just because or more than likely would have some kind of pedalboard rig like a PA50/Ceres.
I Don't know what style your playing or your technique but i agree the mt 15 is the shat! I heard it a few times live man and always always regardless of the band playing sounded good lol Even in Train Wreck situations.