Finally bought my "Dream Amp"today ....disappointed....

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I wouldn’t recommend expecting to enjoy the sound of one amplifier over another based on what it costs. There really is no correlation between the two - expensive amps are nicer things to own, but the price is essentially tied to the manufacturing process and availability rather than some kind of elusive barrier that affects how good something sounds. It’s all subjective. Peavey are the best example of price/manufacturing method not getting in the way of their tone, as they are on so many albums. I’m not sure I’ve heard an “upgraded” Peavey that actually sounded better than a stock one too.

This exact quote needs to be chiseled into stone, and a photo of that stone needs to be permanently posted to the top of every gear forum on the internet.
incredibly common doesnt mean it is not incredibly stupid !

....cant get your greasy paws on go without ! ....or visit a place where they have shops...there... problem solved!

It's no more stupid than playing an amp at the local shop, in isolation, at shop-allowed volumes and thinking you know what it really sounds like in a live/recorded mix.

My experience is that it's always better to just purchase them, having them shipped to me and then put them through their paces where/when I have time to really work with them and figure them out. If I buy used, then I can do this and flip them for little difference and get a thorough testdrive of a piece of equipment.
Did you finally stop hating your 6505+!?

its the feel i dont like with it more than the tones, it just responds weird to my picking for whatever reasons. its probably been years now since ive actually played the thing though, probably time to revisit. ive seen plenty of bands of all genres sound great with them and riffraffs sounded the best at our ampfest a few years back in a room filled with great amps so i know its me.
I see you’re new here. Sounds like mods should permanently remove your classifieds access. You wouldn’t need it anyway.
....So that is what you are here for ? cruisin' for gear ?

selling much ???

...but,but,but... if they take my classifieds access, who am i going to sell my broken gear to ??? :ROFLMAO:
(it all got broken down in transport, of course ! there is no way of knowing when... you know UPS and stuff...)
This is incredibly smart opinion, sir. I will probably have to sell all my gear, because 95% of it I bought without getting my greasy paws on it.
tell that to a bloke that started this thread genius !

luck doesn't equal smarts ! (in case you were wondering)
I don’t think I’ve played an amp in a store in 20 years, back then it seemed like a competition around here with the bigger stores at least of who could make it more of an awkward experience to try stuff. Not sure how much I’m gonna learn about an amp in the middle of a guitar center anyway
What makes this the dream amp??
Chances are the seller offed their shitiest tubes on you and kept the good ones.. Maybe not.
A bias check and tube roll is in order to make sure.
Plug the amp into a 4x12 cab, give it some volume and ditch the all knobs at noon bullshit. Who came up with that anyway? It should be abolished. Adjust the knobs with your ears. The Presence control is very powerful and interacts in a unique way with other controls. If you are going to run it like you said initially you are better off using the Uber patch on your Stomp.
Drastic settings are what my ear always chooses . The noon thing is bland to me
What makes this the dream amp??
Chances are the seller offed their shitiest tubes on you and kept the good ones.. Maybe not.
A bias check and tube roll is in order to make sure.
This, big time. Especially these days when good vintage tubes are hard to come by; and new production stuff is expensive. Most sellers, unless they are here or other forums where rep is important, don’t care to A. Send the best tubes and B. Bother to re bias when those tubes are replaced.
All this adds up to a not so good sounding amp.