Greenback 20/25 VS Creamback 65

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Hi all, who has first hand experience with those and how they compare ?

I read completely opposing stories but a lot of them are no real comparison because different amps and cabs are used for instance.

What I'm really looking for is opinions from someone who actually swapped them out in an otherwise identical environment...

Thanks !

I have done some identical env experimenting between these three models....same cab amp etc.

The standard reissue gb and the creamback both have that 'rattier / raunchier' crunch, but the creamback has tighter low end that holds up better at higher volume. Not more low end mind you, just tighter and more definitive. Overall, I hear the creamback being closer in overall vibe to the standard 25 watt reissue...a very good speaker btw. The Heritage are quieter than the other two, not quite as raunchy, a bit looser low end, and not as bright. All three have that great percussive mid range attack. Hope this helps.

EDIT: the heritage is also 25 watts, although the label states it is 20.
stoneage cabs":30n2p80g said:
I have done some identical env experimenting between these three models....same cab amp etc.

The standard reissue gb and the creamback both have that 'rattier / raunchier' crunch, but the creamback has tighter low end that holds up better at higher volume. Not more low end mind you, just tighter and more definitive. Overall, I hear the creamback being closer in overall vibe to the standard 25 watt reissue...a very good speaker btw. The Heritage are quieter than the other two, not quite as raunchy, a bit looser low end, and not as bright. All three have that great percussive mid range attack. Hope this helps.

EDIT: the heritage is also 25 watts, although the label states it is 20.

I agree completely. Celestion says the Creamback is a beefed up Heritage 12M; however, it sounds closer to the GB Reissue to me. I compared the Creamback, GB Reissue, and EVH (Heritage) in the same cab. The EVH are really loose compared to the others and have less mids.....making them less percussive and not as ballsy.

I actually prefer the Lynchback to all of the above. It is fuller sounding and doesn't have the trademark "ratty" top end of the GB and Creamback. The Creambacks do have their place, but I find myself using the Lynchback cab 90% of the time.
Those Lyncbacks seem cool, but no 16OHM is a dealbreaker.
madrigal77":39ppg416 said:
Those Lyncbacks seem cool, but no 16OHM is a dealbreaker.

Luckily my #1 amp sounds best to me at 8 ohm mono. All my cabs are wired that way.
Just took out two RI greenbacks from my cab..ratty high end is right. Why not go weber legacies? Great speakers. Great top end.
What's the Scumback scene all about?? I always see Scumback and Weber in the same thread... :dunno:

I've come to realize I love 3 speakers:
Alnico Golds

So it goes.
Ventura":24a359e0 said:
What's the Scumback scene all about?? I always see Scumback and Weber in the same thread... :dunno:

I've come to realize I love 3 speakers:
Alnico Golds

So it goes.

I thought Weber and Scumback parted ways a few years back.

Going by a few videos of Creamback and Scumback M75's, the Creambacks sounds a little smoother but they're both in the same ballpark. I see either of these the choice for Greenback tone for a 2x12 cab. I am curious about the Lynchbacks.

Richeddie! Don't hold back.
madrigal77":lcy39c62 said:
Those Lyncbacks seem cool, but no 16OHM is a dealbreaker.

For a 2x12 cab just wire a pair in series. For a 4x12 I think you're SOL.
madrigal77":2xgls2xu said:
Those Lyncbacks seem cool, but no 16OHM is a dealbreaker.

This is my issue as well. I thought they were going to release this version late last year?
fek":2z51msq7 said:
madrigal77":2z51msq7 said:
Those Lyncbacks seem cool, but no 16OHM is a dealbreaker.

This is my issue as well. I thought they were going to release this version late last year?
I emailed Celestion and they said there are no plans for a 16ohm Lynchback :(
A little update: I went ahead and bought 4 creambacks. Put them in a 1960A cab, ran loud music through them for about 48 hours to break them in and to say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

It's like there's a wah-pedal on all the time; not full on but there's definitely a nasal and thinning quality to them that can't be dialed out. To compare I've loaded my other 1960A with original '71 - '72 greenbacks and they are soo much more neutral sounding. Not nasally but a much more even frequency response.

Luckily I got them at a good price so hopefully I won't loose too much selling them.

Bummer !

Thanks Blackba ! But I'm afraid the shipping from Holland to the US is going to take all the fun out of that deal :(

Weird got my Splawn SR running through a Creamback loaded 4x12 sounds great not very nasal in the least!
That's odd. I don't find them nasal or thin in the least. If anything they might be a hair too "full" sounding in my 4x12. The low end can get overwhelming and tubby at times. But they sound perfect in my 2x12. I prefer the Lynchbacks in a 4x12 format.

How did you break them in? Are you sure you didn't damage them?
Giga":1yk6omjo said:
I went ahead and bought 4 creambacks. Put them in a 1960A cab, ran loud music through them for about 48 hours to break them in..... It's like there's a wah-pedal on all the time; not full on but there's definitely a nasal and thinning quality to them that can't be dialed out.

Something is not quite right with this...... :confused: