Have you found YOUR sound?

I built my own amp from scratch so I’d say yes I nailed my own tone. I used an aldrich mod as a comparison to make sure it could hang.

I’ve found a modded Marshall variant through two 4x12 greenback cabs is my thing. I also tend to prefer old Mesa mark III series.
Yep. Took me 38 years to find the combination that allowed me to finally say “That’s my tone!”🤣
38 f_cking years.
Yes and no.

I found my songwriting niche of the kind of music I am the happiest writing/recording and I often know exactly what tones I want to hear in those, but nailing the mix aspect to get those tones heard the way I want them heard is a different story.

While I love fucking around with gear in my apartment, trying different amp/pedal/speaker combinations, that’s 100% fucking useless to me unless it ends up in a song and in order for it to get into a song, it’s not going to sound the way it did in the room.
Fender MIA Tele with a BKP Piledriver & Lollar Royal T into a Monomyth Skeleton Key.

Basically going for a combination of spaghetti western, rock & roll, and hardcore chugs. The amp has a great Plexi styled tone but with more gain and a tighter low end, and the high output tele pickup keeps the twang while also being tight.

Whole mess of pedals too, but I don't rely too heavily on any of them. Also just got a Fender Showman clone to use as a clean channel essentially.
I feel like I more or less did, 15 years ago. I dial every amp in to sound pretty much the same.

I own several just because it’s fun having them.
This pretty much applies to me. Would like to get a KHE amp switcher so I can jump quickly between my amps and see just how similar they are….
The one amp that I have never owned ended up being the one that I love the most when I finally got one recently!
For me it is the EVH 100S 6L6. I don't like amps with shared tone controls so this one for me works and I really like the gain structure and channels on it. I never got along with the EVH 212 cab until I pulled the stock speakers and put in a couple of EVH greenbacks into it.

I also run this through the UA OX and into a couple of EV PXM12 and it is amazing sounding.

Tone Master Pro has a great version of my amp on it and it also sounds fabulous through the same monitors.

It all just works for my ears now.
The one amp that I have never owned ended up being the one that I love the most when I finally got one recently!
For me it is the EVH 100S 6L6. I don't like amps with shared tone controls so this one for me works and I really like the gain structure and channels on it. I never got along with the EVH 212 cab until I pulled the stock speakers and put in a couple of EVH greenbacks into it.

I also run this through the UA OX and into a couple of EV PXM12 and it is amazing sounding.

Tone Master Pro has a great version of my amp on it and it also sounds fabulous through the same monitors.

It all just works for my ears now.
Wait I’m confused, the stock evh 2x12 doesn’t come with evh greenbacks?
I've always been a Marshall guy, modded/stock+ a pedal, but needed to play/own a few others to make sure. The Mesa stuff I've had has been killer, Rev C to C+s; but ultimately I'm back to all Marshall with a new MT100 to fill the 'other' tone needs.
My 2 early 70s Marshalls and a pedal or two and I'm good.
Started early and got spoiled with a great sounding 79 Marshall 2203 halfstack, then tried out many other non Marshall amps over the years, Mesa Dual Recto, Mesa MKIIIC+++ purple strip, Zwengel Banshee, Randall RG100ES, Randall RGHT100.

I am now 100% Marshall and I don't really have a desire to try other amps but every now and then something catches my ears but usually not enough to buy something new. I'll just augment what I have to get them where I want them.

PS: The only amp on the Market that catches my ears are the Ground Zero Modded Marshalls, I think they are a better sounding Cameron Marshall IMHO!:2thumbsup:
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I "found" my sound years ago. No matter what amplifier I currently have it tend to dial in the same basic tone on all of them. lol! Some amps make it a little easier to get there though. However, I always seem to sound like me... I haven't decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet...I like a modded Marshall type of tone. The EVH 5153 gets me that a more. So, I'm pretty happy at the moment.
I am 100% in the camp that "your" sound comes 100% from your fingers .. then "tone" comes from all the things after that.
It takes a pretty long time to get to the point where you just sound like you regardless of what you are playing through ... it is obviously there from day one and evolves and we just can't hear it
Yes until I get a headfirst Alta but then that will be a variation of the same Marshall based tone, just more flexible! :m17:

The Alta 100 is an insanely good amplifier!

So many tones/sounds, all midi controlled. Marshall JMP 2203, Vintage, Modern, Clean, Mid Gain, High Gain, ALL flavors.

The only amp I’m planning on next is the Ground Zero Hellion.

I think the Larry Dino, the Headfirst Alta and the Hellion will be all I’ll ever need.