How Could the French F Up So Badly?

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I agree, if you want to emigrate to a country, then you accept the laws and standards of that country you're moving to.
Integration is key.

but they don't, they aren't and they won't; and are allowed to remain instead of being deported; and when they have large numbers they want Sharia law.

and it's the leftist politicians that allow, accept and encourage mass invasion
I'm getting too old for that; and become indifferent over the last several years.
It’s certainly an uphill battle at this point. Anti American “Americans” have a huge advantage due to progressive policies put in place by democrats….complain? You’re racist.
Fuck that. They want my shit they can come get it. I ain’t the only mother fucker dying though.
I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully it’s a theoretical question and I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to live under any form of totalitarian government. But I’m wondering how many of y’all that are so anti-islam have actually visited a Muslim country.
I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully it’s a theoretical question and I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to live under any form of totalitarian government. But I’m wondering how many of y’all that are so anti-islam have actually visited a Muslim country.
I’m not anti Islam. I’m anti- the 25% of Muslims that want to kill infidels. Or whatever the percent is. Probably higher. Remember Cat Stevens? All singing about a peace train and shit. He finds Allah and next thing you know he wants Salomon Rushdie to die.

Anyway, a Turkish Muslim saved my ass in Amsterdam. That was not long after 9/11 too. My mom’s neighbors on both sides are Muslim, although their Bosnian and Bosnians assimilate. They’re the best neighbors they ever had.

No I haven’t visited a Muslim country and probably wouldn’t. The question isn’t am I anti-Muslim, it’s am I anti- living under a forced religious dictatorship. And the answer is yes.
I’m not anti Islam. I’m anti- the 25% of Muslims that want to kill infidels. Or whatever the percent is. Probably higher. Remember Cat Stevens? All singing about a peace train and shit. He finds Allah and next thing you know he wants Salomon Rushdie to die.

Anyway, a Turkish Muslim saved my ass in Amsterdam. That was not long after 9/11 too. My mom’s neighbors on both sides are Muslim, although their Bosnian and Bosnians assimilate. They’re the best neighbors they ever had.

No I haven’t visited a Muslim country and probably wouldn’t. The question isn’t am I anti-Muslim, it’s am I anti- living under a forced religious dictatorship. And the answer is yes.

This is what I've been trying very badly to say the whole time I've been a member on RigTalk in the OTC. And it's caused issues, but carry on.
I don't think it matters what you are. Gay, straight, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Trans, hillbilly, woke inner city soy boy, rifle shooting whatever.
You do you.
But if you're an extremist, you're angry and violent and you believe that your country should only be for those who believe in your totalitarian agenda, then there's no place for you.

I'm absolutely Left leaning when it comes to socio-economic policy. I believe higher taxes and universal health care and quality public education are good things, because it raises the bar for everybody, and everybody benefits when things like literacy, life expectancy and health care are more accessible on the whole.
I've been called a Communist, a pedophile, had my job as a teacher attacked. It's more funny than anything because I know this comes from a lifestyle of isolation and fear.

Most people are moderate in their outlook. Moderate Christians, moderate Muslim, moderate gay, moderate straight, moderate redneck, moderate woke. The problem isn't a subset of the demographic or a particular type of human, it's people who enforce their individuality to become the norm who are the problem. And a hell of a lot of that happens on the Right and the Left, and across all religions and lifestyle choices.

We just need to turn everything back a few notches on everybody's dial I think.
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Holy! I've never seen such self importance, mental midget straw grasping, and fantasy ranting before.
Congrats @jdel77 here's your reward:

This is what I've been trying very badly to say the whole time I've been a member on RigTalk in the OTC. And it's caused issues, but carry on.
I don't think it matters what you are. Gay, straight, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Trans, hillbilly, woke inner city soy boy, rifle shooting whatever.
You do you.
But if you're an extremist, you're angry and violent and you believe that your country should only be for those who believe in your totalitarian agenda, then there's no place for you.

I'm absolutely Left leaning when it comes to socio-economic policy. I believe higher taxes and universal health care and quality public education are good things, because it raises the bar for everybody, and everybody benefits when things like literacy, life expectancy and health care are more accessible on the whole.
I've been called a Communist, a pedophile, had my job as a teacher attacked. It's more funny than anything because I know this comes from a lifestyle of isolation and fear.

Most people are moderate in their outlook. Moderate Christians, moderate Muslim, moderate gay, moderate straight, moderate redneck, moderate woke. The problem isn't a subset of the demographic or a particular type of human, it's people who enforce their individuality to become the norm who are the problem. And a hell of a lot of that happens on the Right and the Left, and across all religions and lifestyle choices.

We just need to turn everything back a few notches on everybody's dial I think.
I pretty much agree with this other than the higher taxes and universal health care thing. Democrats have been doing that, along with public education in urban centers in America for 5 decades or better. And look at every major city. It hasn’t raised the bar for anyone. Taking people’s money and giving it to other people, most of whom are unemployed, will never work. Everyone knows it. The only reason politicians pretend like it does is because they want the votes.
Dude, it was a Dionysian feast with the different gods of the Greek pantheon. Nothing to do with the Last Supper at all, apart from there being a very long table involved.
Also, Da Vinci who painted the Last Supper was almost certainly gay.
Didn't the opening ceremony organizers publicly acknowledge that it was, in fact, a portrayal of The Last Supper and issue an "apology". That's rhetorical, they did. You can stop trying to gaslight, making excuses up for the intentionally offensive act.
This is what I've been trying very badly to say the whole time I've been a member on RigTalk in the OTC. And it's caused issues, but carry on.
I don't think it matters what you are. Gay, straight, black, white, Muslim, Christian, Trans, hillbilly, woke inner city soy boy, rifle shooting whatever.
You do you.
But if you're an extremist, you're angry and violent and you believe that your country should only be for those who believe in your totalitarian agenda, then there's no place for you.

I'm absolutely Left leaning when it comes to socio-economic policy. I believe higher taxes and universal health care and quality public education are good things, because it raises the bar for everybody, and everybody benefits when things like literacy, life expectancy and health care are more accessible on the whole.
I've been called a Communist, a pedophile, had my job as a teacher attacked. It's more funny than anything because I know this comes from a lifestyle of isolation and fear.

Most people are moderate in their outlook. Moderate Christians, moderate Muslim, moderate gay, moderate straight, moderate redneck, moderate woke. The problem isn't a subset of the demographic or a particular type of human, it's people who enforce their individuality to become the norm who are the problem. And a hell of a lot of that happens on the Right and the Left, and across all religions and lifestyle choices.

We just need to turn everything back a few notches on everybody's dial I think.

Well said dude
I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully it’s a theoretical question and I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to live under any form of totalitarian government. But I’m wondering how many of y’all that are so anti-islam have actually visited a Muslim country.
I've been to the UK, including Londinistan. That should count.
When the Olympics are over...everyone will stop blaming France and go back to focusing on the real enemy...Australia. We better watch what sub technology we give those prisoner "allies" because they might just escape and end up on our shores.