how did i live without the Master Effects PEM eq!?


Well-known member
my ears are ruined by my PEM... i cant turn it off. I'm only playing through a 1x12 boogie mark iv combo. no extension cabs. between the on board 5 band on the amp, and this, i get all the ear pleasing frequencies of the 4x12 without the un-dial-out-able boxy mids and farty lows that combos are plagued with. They actually make the combo sound ok. here is a spontanious clip of some Whoracle riffs tuned to B with the cell phone mic.

any other users...i'm curious how you like to set that high pass filter.
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Feel the same way about the Empress.

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How did you live without the PEM eq? You weren’t even living bro. You obviously wandered the waste lands of bad tone, and until then you simply put up with bogus tones that harshed your mellow, guy! I too, am a fellow wanderer of the shadowlands. It’s a dark and abysmal zone of bleak
Sounds great, hell yeah. I have a PEQFH and it's my favorite loop EQ pedal at the moment. Master Effects makes great stuff.
I posted a clip of the PMEQ 15 months ago… I can lead you guys to water, but I can’t make you drink. 🤣

Does it do the Furman 80's thing like they say it does? They've got one now that is supposed to be a 1 - 1 copy of the Furman in a pedal. ( or as close as a clone can be)
how close to you guys think this is? I still prefer the rack unit in this one. Note separation is more distinct in the Furman. The pedal sounds a tad tubbier.
