Im currently happy with my gear...anyone else??

I'm happily content with what I have. I just need to learn how to use it all effectively without making it complicated.
Man, I've really been quite happy with the gear I've accumulated over the past several years....more happy than ever actually! I use to flip gear as much as most ppl seem to here, but not really the case anymore. I don't have the high-end boutique amps that many have here, but I'm happy enough with the three amps I have...that they aren't going anywhere. And, I'm REALLY happy with my guitars. My Suhrs being my #1’s until the end of time...and I really found some great alternatives for something different in the used Music Man Reflex and used PRS S2 I acquired this year. As a matter of fact, the only G.A.S. I have now is for maybe a PRS Custom 24 or a PRS Stripped 58....which only came about after the great experience I've had with the PRS S2. Honestly, I still have a love/hate relationship with the Gibson LP I have...which has always been the case for me and LP's. Sometimes I'm really diggin' it and other times it will stay in it's case for an extended amount of time. It's the only guitar that I currently have that I could see myself possibly letting go of at some point.
Have not bought a guitar in 3 years since getting a custom Gutierrez. Used to order 1-2 custom shop jobs a year.

Have not really played any other amp regularly since getting the DAR heads, but got a peters and ordered a rhodes because I really wanted them.

Very happy with what I have. Not really wanting much, but NAMM is on the horizon....
I'm totally digging my gear these days!
Last few weeks I have scored another set of BKs which is always on the radar
Also in a honeymoon phase with the variety pack of Gravity picks, I'm actually playing a whole lot better with these things! Pretty mild acquisitions but i found that I always need something in the mail lol
Between the Diezel and the Laney, I cover every base that I like like the sound of :) So yes, very happy.
I am extremely happy with my tone, especially since I got my ESP loaded with EMG's back in proper playing order, I honestly can say I am perfectly content with my tone. The only thing I would like to add down the road is a rack switcher of some sort for my pedals in my rack and an amp gizmo to control the amp with the switcher. Other than that I am fairly certain that I need nothing more.

I am happy with my gear. I have a we things I still want, but it's not like I need them. In a recent thread I read a post about paying up for gear. I have been able to find great deals on used amps and have yet to pay more than about $1500 for an amp. So when I see an mama at $2000 plus and there are many at that price, I think to myself what two amps would I get rid of to get it. That squelches the gas pretty quickly.
I love my rig. Kept this longer than any other and I really GAS for nothing. I might like to upgrade from my Eleven Rack to a Kemper but that is about it.
I have an American Deluxe strat and a PRS Custom 22. My main amp is a Mesa Electra Dyne 1x12 combo and my other amp is a Deluxe Reverb Reissue. I have a good pedalboard. I'm very happy with my guitar rig, now I need to get a good in-ear-monitor system.