I lived through the 1971 San Fernando Earth Quake .
My Dad had to work on one of the Dams in the area, because it was about to burst.
A few days before, my Mom told my Dad, that we were going to have an Earthquake, he laughed at her . She told him, "You're from Texas / Oklahoma, you know when a tornado is going to come, so don't doubt me" . She had him dig out the tent to put up in our back yard .
For days, animals were acting up, the dogs were acting up, ants were abandoning their colonies, taking their larvae out and moving the to more solid ground . Jewish Beetles / " Earth Babies ", dug themselves out and were on the surface the night before .
My Dad had a month off from his Steel construction job.
Any way, the Earthquake hit before 6 am, the ground looked like waves on the sea , my Dad came flying out the house in his boxers and tee shirt .... that night, he started sleeping in the tent with us for a week .
An old brick building at my school, Florence Avenue School, had to be torn down, due to a partial collapse.