NAD_Uberschall Rev Blue

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MetalHeadMike":1c0i8lfk said:
braintheory":1c0i8lfk said:
I’m also very curious about the Body Hammer. I used to own a Peters FSM and heard the Body Hammer is supposed to tighter and more aggressive, so that sounds pretty promising.

I used to own a Driftwood Purple Nightmare and wasn’t too impressed to be honest. It was too polite sounding. It didn’t have the growl of my other amps or get as tight. It was definitely a solid, high quality amp, but there just wasn’t anything particularly amazing about it. I think your Wizard would smoke it

Some guys also rave about the cleans on the Driftwood, but I thought the cleans on my mark iic+ and wizard mtl are much better
Well I just got off the phone with James and had about a 2 hour conversation about amps and life in general. Great guy! The Bodyhammer sounds bad ass, but he also will be making what's called the Firehammer which is kind of in between the Firejack and the Bodyhammer from what I gather. Lots of great choices!

Good to know about the Purple Nightmare! I don't like polite sounding amps :no:
Well it’s also a bit relative when I say polite. I find the Friedman’s polite when compared to older Marshall’s or Cameron modded Marshall’s, which sound a lot more raw and pissed off, but lots of guys still obviously love the Friedman’s

Honestly, I found the FSM I had to also be a bit too polite for my taste, but I heard that the Body Hammer is supposed to be more aggressive and like it’s not holding back compared to the FSM, so I’m very curious about it and the Fire Hammer sounds cool since I also liked the Gryphon model
braintheory":an7zi5dr said:
Well it’s also a bit relative when I say polite. I find the Friedman’s polite when compared to older Marshall’s or Cameron modded Marshall’s, which sound a lot more raw and pissed off, but lots of guys still obviously love the Friedman’s

Honestly, I found the FSM I had to also be a bit too polite for my taste, but I heard that the Body Hammer is supposed to be more aggressive and like it’s not holding back compared to the FSM, so I’m very curious about it and the Fire Hammer sounds cool since I also liked the Gryphon model
Makes sense. Its that smooth polished gain structure and mids voicing compared to the more raw ragged gain structure and growling or snarling mids voicing. I prefer the later most of the time.
Yeah from the description and talking with James it sounds like the Bodyhammer would be the logical choice for me. I told him I like very focused, tight, punchy amps and he said definitely the BH. Somehow in our emails back and forth Exodus came into conversation and today when talking to him it was mentioned again that if aggressive thrash stuff was my goal, stuff similar to old Exodus, he said the Bodyhammer nails it. He said the BH can be set to be really punchy but also that it can be set to be a bit more round, or maybe set to have less of a focused attack if so desired. Sounds like a cool amp!
Damn bro. Congrats! Now you gotta come to my place and hear the difference between the Rev blue and the rev Green. While you're at it you need to bring that freakin Wizard!!! :D
Gsxrbusa":1ubtfiaa said:
Damn bro. Congrats! Now you gotta come to my place and hear the difference between the Rev blue and the rev Green. While you're at it you need to bring that freakin Wizard!!! :D

Thanks man! Yeah the Uber is really growing on me. It's gotta be the warmest high gainer I've owned, yet it still manages to come off extremely pissed off and metal sounding. Such a thick, chewy, deep thunderous tone :rock:

Next time I get down to CO, up in MT now, I'll pack the Wizard :thumbsup:
I'd love to hear that Wizard, too! Without meaning to be too presumptuous by inviting myself, I'd bring my Mark III, Rev Green, Herbert, and meet you there. :)
ChurchHill":2qq33axr said:
I'd love to hear that Wizard, too! Without meaning to be too presumptuous by inviting myself, I'd bring my Mark III, Rev Green, Herbert, and meet you there. :)
I'm pretty sure Tom's hosted more than one ampfest, and I probably wouldn't be too out of line saying it could come to fruition if enough beer and whiskey was offered :cheers:

I'd LOVE to hear that blue stripe :rock: And to really give the Herbert a proper spanking would be epic :rock: :rock: :rock:
Paging Tom???

I'm planning on flying out of Denver sometime this fall maybe winter either around Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I could plan on staying an extra day in CO and bring the Wizard. I'd bring some other amps, but I'm pretty sure you guys already have what I'm sitting on other than the MCII :lol: :LOL:
I'd have to look at my work calendar, but I'm pretty sure that November is shot for me. Any time after Thanksgiving through the new year is good, though. Not sure about earlier in October.
MetalHeadMike":2u228hh7 said:
Paging Tom???

I'm planning on flying out of Denver sometime this fall maybe winter either around Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I could plan on staying an extra day in CO and bring the Wizard. I'd bring some other amps, but I'm pretty sure you guys already have what I'm sitting on other than the MCII :lol: :LOL:

Sorry bro, been traveling all day. On a plane as we speak. :confused: :)

That could totally work. Just need to figure out the details. :rock:
Gsxrbusa":29t6gbdc said:
MetalHeadMike":29t6gbdc said:
Paging Tom???

I'm planning on flying out of Denver sometime this fall maybe winter either around Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I could plan on staying an extra day in CO and bring the Wizard. I'd bring some other amps, but I'm pretty sure you guys already have what I'm sitting on other than the MCII :lol: :LOL:

Sorry bro, been traveling all day. On a plane as we speak. :confused: :)

That could totally work. Just need to figure out the details. :rock:

Right on :rock: :rock: :rock:
See if we can't pull something together :rock: :rock: :rock:
MetalHeadMike":3v2eriq2 said:
Gsxrbusa":3v2eriq2 said:
MetalHeadMike":3v2eriq2 said:
Paging Tom???

I'm planning on flying out of Denver sometime this fall maybe winter either around Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I could plan on staying an extra day in CO and bring the Wizard. I'd bring some other amps, but I'm pretty sure you guys already have what I'm sitting on other than the MCII :lol: :LOL:

Sorry bro, been traveling all day. On a plane as we speak. :confused: :)

That could totally work. Just need to figure out the details. :rock:

Right on :rock: :rock: :rock:
See if we can't pull something together :rock: :rock: :rock:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
You've been wanting one of these for awhile, congrats! I still love mine but agree about goosing the front with the boost of your choice. EQ's are well documented, and i love rolling my presence knob back to like 8 or 9 oclock.

Enjoy brother, and lemme know your opinion on the bass response vs your FB100. I feel like the engl out-balls it, but the uber has a smooth grind. Dunno haha
Well, my son-in-law has a FB100 and I've got a Rev Green. He brought his FB over last weekend and we half-seriously did a little comparison. Now it could have been his cab (Marshall 4x12 w/T75s) vs the Uberkab (2xT75s+2xV30s), but the Uber made the house shake. Maybe I'll get him to bring it back tomorrow and re-test with the same cab. I think his tubes are getting worn, too. Still, both amps had tons of lows, but the Uber had more. Just my experience, though, and it wasn't even close to being a definitive test.
misterspockyall":1r5qj1l1 said:
You've been wanting one of these for awhile, congrats! I still love mine but agree about goosing the front with the boost of your choice. EQ's are well documented, and i love rolling my presence knob back to like 8 or 9 oclock.

Enjoy brother, and lemme know your opinion on the bass response vs your FB100. I feel like the engl out-balls it, but the uber has a smooth grind. Dunno haha
Thanks man!!! Definitely needs the low end trimmed to tighten her up and add some attack. I wish I still had the FB100 to compare side by side. But going off memory I'd say the Uber definitely has a MUCH bigger low end response. I do agree that the Uber has a smooth grind, but I think its got just as much punch to it. The Uber's low end is deep like the Herbert.

ChurchHill":1r5qj1l1 said:
Well, my son-in-law has a FB100 and I've got a Rev Green. He brought his FB over last weekend and we half-seriously did a little comparison. Now it could have been his cab (Marshall 4x12 w/T75s) vs the Uberkab (2xT75s+2xV30s), but the Uber made the house shake. Maybe I'll get him to bring it back tomorrow and re-test with the same cab. I think his tubes are getting worn, too. Still, both amps had tons of lows, but the Uber had more. Just my experience, though, and it wasn't even close to being a definitive test.
I agree that the Uber will rattle your house on it's foundation. I don't remember the FB100 having near the deepness nor girth in the low end. It was now slouch by any stretch and it had significant bass response, just not Uber big.

I just swapped out the Duncan Distortion bridge and put the Painkiller back in and I'm amazed at how different it sounds. I didn't think they were worlds apart when I pulled the PK and installed the DD a few months ago, but they sure seem different now. Maybe its jsut this noticable with the Uber and the MCII :dunno:

The PK seems to have more of a low mid grunt that I don't remember it having with my other amps. Still a ton of upper mid grind, but definitely more low mids present playing through the Uber and the Wizard :confused: It sounds way more modern through these two amps than the DD with insane amounts of midrange crunch and grind. TIGHT and ARTICULATE! I have to re-learn how to play this beast :rock:
Well, this is good news! I put in an order for a Painkiller last week. It'll probably be here sometime around the middle of next month. Going to put it in one of my Explorers that currently has a Miracle Man set in it. Not that the MMs aren't good, they're don't have enough mids for me, just too scooped sounding. Really looking forward to hearing what it can do with my Uber and Herbert!

I agree, too. The Uber has deep low end like the Herbert. My Uber has more low-mids and is more saturated, but it and the Mark III (or the pre-amps with the Simul-Class 395) are the only amps that even come close. That 395 is a killer!!
MetalHeadMike":mnn685fp said:
Gsxrbusa":mnn685fp said:
MetalHeadMike":mnn685fp said:
Paging Tom???

I'm planning on flying out of Denver sometime this fall maybe winter either around Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. I could plan on staying an extra day in CO and bring the Wizard. I'd bring some other amps, but I'm pretty sure you guys already have what I'm sitting on other than the MCII :lol: :LOL:

Sorry bro, been traveling all day. On a plane as we speak. :confused: :)

That could totally work. Just need to figure out the details. :rock:

Right on :rock: :rock: :rock:
See if we can't pull something together :rock: :rock: :rock:

ChurchHill":mnn685fp said:
I'd have to look at my work calendar, but I'm pretty sure that November is shot for me. Any time after Thanksgiving through the new year is good, though. Not sure about earlier in October.

Here is a sample of what we can jam on. :confused:

Churchil, where do you live?



I'm just outside of Kansas City.

Nice collection, too!! I'll try to get some pics or at least of list of what I've got that I could bring. Definitely some Boogies, a few other things, too. I'd love to hear that Juno if you get it by then!
MetalHeadMike":2wefb2x1 said:
:worship: :inlove: :shocked: :worship: :D Now I have to go :jerkit:

Damn right you do! :lol: :LOL:

ChurchHill":2wefb2x1 said:
I'm just outside of Kansas City.

Nice collection, too!! I'll try to get some pics or at least of list of what I've got that I could bring. Definitely some Boogies, a few other things, too. I'd love to hear that Juno if you get it by then!

Cool! Would love to see what you have to bring, as I am always interested in new/different stuff. :doh: :) The only amps I didn't show were the Hughes & Kettner Coreblade and the Grandmeister 40 Deluxe, since they are at the practice space. We should make this happen. :rock: