off topic: anyone heard from Dan / Mailman1971 ?

Also wondering... last I recall it was winter, cold AF and pipes busting n stuff aka real life. Hoping all is well.
I think Dan left because a lot of people were acting like a bunch of turdbags. If you read this, come back Dan. We are good boys, we didn't mean it. We miss you. :(
He's good just like me he works for USPS. We work like Sherpas in the summer and are dead as fuck when we get home from the heat!
Metlupass2":hj2eop70 said:
I think he married his pool boy and moved to Thailand.

I think he married my pool boy and Thailand sounds about right :thumbsup:

Haven't heard hide nor hair of him since buying his DMoll, hope he's doing ok in Thailand :LOL: :LOL:
You can catch Danno broadcasting on Twitch every night playing Fortnite


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I think he is still kicking. He is from Michigan correct? I think I recognized a post of his on Craigslist as he is the only guy I know of rocking the Randall Lunchbox cabinets and one is here locally for sale.
I’m doing fine fellas.
Thanks for the input.
Just needed a break from all this. Lost a good friend Steve k.
Was gonna post. But felt wasn’t the time.
I will be around.
And no....
I’m not dead :yes: