Once again.... WHATS COOKING?!

Don't laugh.

Carrot Hot Dogs. Have made them a few times now, tweaking the marinade a bit each time.
The taste is almost dead on - especially with toppings added - and they end up with a casing like 'snap' too.
Spend some time really shaping the carrots like dogs if you're trying to sell it to someone else.
Big hit with everyone around here.

Best part? Last time I made them I ate 6 in a sitting and didn't feel like crap the next morning.


I don't add the Jalapeno juice because it ends up too dominant a flavor.
Use them as a garnish instead for those who want them.

The par-boil time is key to dialing in the snap.
Get it just right and it's gonna blow your mind.
Holy moly man, I'd have to hit the sack immediately after a good serving of that! :LOL:

Looks super-tasty 'though... :rock:

Fortunately got a lunch pie waiting in the fridge from Felipe's - HUGE in San Diego county.
Crust is just a bit to 'biscuit' like but otherwise really good. Think you'd like em.

This is a normal cheese serving. Bordering on ridiculous.

Appreciate it guys. I have been working on my pizza game for awhile now. I have learned from some good teachers and guys that have really delved into the pizza science. I am currently saving up for an Ooni pizza oven, and I hope someday if I am lucky to open my own small pizza shop.
Appreciate it guys. I have been working on my pizza game for awhile now. I have learned from some good teachers and guys that have really delved into the pizza science. I am currently saving up for an Ooni pizza oven, and I hope someday if I am lucky to open my own small pizza shop.
The G/F bought me an Ooni dual-fuel oven for Christmas 👍
Meant to ask, you familiar with New England Greek style? Moved away 25 years ago and never found anything
close around here. Finally found a great article on why it's so unique and gave their recipe a try.

The whole family thought it came out totally legit.

It really is a very unique style of pie.

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That looks great. Did you do a cold fermentation on the dough? Good bubbles and rise. I do make a similar style, and I usually use cast iron, although I know they use pans as the article talked about.
Grew up with this place within walking distance. I'd put their pie
on par with the one the author of the article posted. And he's right.
You can find those gross looking examples everywhere but the really
goods ones you usually find word of mouth.

Talk about being spoiled having one right in my back yard!


Forgot to mention, one thing I skipped once and it made a lot more difference than I thought it would
is mixing some fresh sauce in with the heavily cooked sauce at the end.

Re: Those pans.

Tried finding them online but no luck.
Cake pans don't work nearly as well as a regular aged skillet.

I should have asked if I could buy a couple last time I was back there.
