Replace my ms3?


I have a love/hate relationship with this unit. When it’s on its on…but when it’s being cantankerous it’s a pain. Probably just need a simpler unit without tons of options. What would you guys recommend for multi effects solutions? No modeling needed…unless it’s modeling a pedal…lol…
What effects do you like? Might be easier to get a few pedals.
chorus and delay. I am thinking this might be the way to go. Lots of features in the ms3 are really killer....problem is all the different options of routing your signal. As well as the levels of the individual effects. It can be a headache at times.
Most of that is pretty intuitive, and with pedals it pretty "set it and forget it." Pedals are not as difficult to wrangle as digital effects. I find myself reaching for the models of my FX8 of Pedals I have already, and greatly prefer the touch interaction of a pedal to going through settings.

That said, the FX8 was everything I needed in one shot, where a compressor, boost, gate, eq, phaser, delay, wah, chorus, and reverb pedals would add up quick.
chorus and delay. I am thinking this might be the way to go. Lots of features in the ms3 are really killer....problem is all the different options of routing your signal. As well as the levels of the individual effects. It can be a headache at times.
Yeah, I think just grabbing a Chorus and Delay pedal would probably make more sense in this case. Plus, you can get some that have an Analog dry-through so they dont mess with your tone and dynamics from your amps. I dont see the sense in having all the flexibility and routing and saved presets and such if you really aren't changing anything. I am kinda going through this myself.
I usually set and forget on my effects. Videos that I've sent the homies show I'm kind of a chorus junkie a la Zakk ms3's noise gate and graphic eq are killer. I think also I get ear fatigue as well by my amps being seperated and playing in stereo. One more cab and an aby and my dream of wdw will be realized finally.
I usually set and forget on my effects. Videos that I've sent the homies show I'm kind of a chorus junkie a la Zakk ms3's noise gate and graphic eq are killer. I think also I get ear fatigue as well by my amps being seperated and playing in stereo. One more cab and an aby and my dream of wdw will be realized finally.
I have been going through the same thing using rack effects. I want to use my processors for everything, but I really notice how running through them changes the dynamics and feel of my tube amps. This makes me want to run everything through an analog parallel mixer, which means I also have to use analog EQs and Noise Gates. That is a pain, but I guess it is a question of convenience and versatility vs. raw tone.

WDW would help this, but I find stereo to work just fine for me, as long as I never digitize the main signal. Personally, I find little reward in WDW over Stereo with today's technology.

In your case I would definitely look into just getting an EQ, Chorus, and Delay with analog dry-throughs, and running in stereo. I have been considering replacing some of my rack units and rack mixer with something like a Source Audio Collider, just because that would be so much simpler.
I had a collider and traded it. nice pedal.

It looks like it could work. I basically need a high fidelity Reverb to add space, a stereo dual delay in parallel, and analog dry-through. It looks like you could dial a Chorus on it also by using modulated delay with a small delay time.