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    • Shask
      Shask reacted to rottingcorpse's post in the thread Gojira at the Olympics! with Like Like.
      Did anyone else just see that?
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread 24 Hours with Tonex One.
      I have been playing with the free ToneX software the last few days and I have been pretty impressed. I like the snappy feel it has...
    • Shask
      Probably also includes the mini SS heads, the pedal, the Synergy module, etc....
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      I also built an Electric Mistress clone, lol. I thought about building a Memory Man clone, but man, it has some expensive chips and is...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Finally trying Synergy.
      Told ya :p Yeah, I notice it seems to feel less punchy, dynamic, and it kind of smears the low end together. It is like everything is...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      Yeah, it gets really out there. Does all those crazy Nirvana sounds. I know the original is not true bypass, so it probably darkens the...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Give me your IR recommendations.
      I have seen a few times that the 2002 seems to be the favorite of many. I basically would like something that is as close to sitting in...
    • Shask
      Shask reacted to VESmedic's post in the thread Give me your IR recommendations with Like Like.
      Try the 92 recto pack…absolutely amazing, probably my fav of Ed’s right now. EAS to me for sure is the most realistic sounding to me...
    • Shask
      Shask reacted to Eazy-ESP's post in the thread Give me your IR recommendations with Like Like.
      Just the CALI OS 2005 - CABINET IR TASTER PACK. But I also bought the full Kemper pack and have been using IRs from there with Kemper...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      I built a clone of one of these. Love that pedal. I just dont like how dark it is. It is really noticeable when used with gain. Really...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Give me your IR recommendations.
      Which pack did you get? I keep hearing good things about the EAS IRs. In general I dont like playing with IRs, but curious about any...
    • Shask
      Shask reacted to jabps's post in the thread Best chorus pedals with Like Like.
      Yep forgot about that.
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      Boss Dimension Chorus is all Analog. They have 2 BBD chips in them. I built a clone. Was a pain in the ass. Sounds great though.
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      This is a great deal on a cool cheap pedal...
    • Shask
      Shask replied to the thread Best chorus pedals.
      You have a good analog, so I say go to the opposite end of the spectrum and get a nice digital multi-voice Chorus, like the TC...
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