RIP Chris Cornell

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Red_Label":2lgoa3zf said:
mrcak":2lgoa3zf said:
Quite the contrary. You sound like the typical Twink Pete Thorn follower. You, with your PT autographed knee-pads and PT Boy Butter.

I'm not a "typical" anything. But based on the posts that I've seen from you in the past four months that you've been here, I don't think I've ever seen a bigger douchey asshole on RT than you've exhibited yourself to be in your short tenure. Insulting people's mothers, world class pros, etc... all without a single clip of your playing to show that you've got the chops to match the size of your insecure, fragile, little ego. Is it a mental illness thing with you?

Btw... I get it... you didn't bond with your PT100, so Pete must be a shill. So post up some clips of you playing other amps that gel'd with you so we can see how jaw-dropping you are when you're plugged-into an amp that you deem worthy of your prodigious talent. Seriously... wow me.

The amp had nothing to do with it. I unloaded it fast as IMO it was a bassy grainy POS. My clips are everywhere, asshole. Look around.
sg guy":1umy6f4h said:
-what the fuck happened to this thread!!!-

I just caught up too... Was digging the tribute videos up until all the shit flinging...
Red_Label":k7haxgca said:
You'll be long gone from this forum before long, just like all the others who live to stir the pot. I'll not shit on a thread dedicated to one of the premier vocalists of our time any longer by feeding the classless troll. Carry on Legend (in your own mind)...
He'll just make another account, just like he did 4 months ago after he got banned then. There's probably more similar history.

People grieve differently. If you don't like the person or whatever, fine but let others grieve. To start badmouthing somebody right after their death, while others might be greiving is just piss poor form. It has nothing to do with the people greiving being pussies, it has to do with those not grieving not being a douche.

Fucking really dudes? Some of you guys act like you're 8 yo.
Wow, this thread has gotten just awful. I've had loved ones who've dealt with depression. It is a terrible thing, and it changes perceived reality for them. They need empathy and kindness, and dealing with them either makes you raise your game as a human being or makes you bitter. There are broken, hurting people everywhere - and you only have yourself and your actions in your control. Chris was an amazing talent. I didn't know the man at all, but I'm sad he is gone. Cancer/disease/accidental deaths/etc all are awful. Due to forum rules I can't discuss how I deal with them, but to live in this world you must deal with suffering; hopefully in a mature and empathetic way.
SpiderWars":2h413cui said:
He'll just make another account, just like he did 4 months ago after he got banned then. There's probably more similar history.

People grieve differently. If you don't like the person or whatever, fine but let others grieve. To start badmouthing somebody right after their death, while others might be greiving is just piss poor form. It has nothing to do with the people greiving being pussies, it has to do with those not grieving not being a douche.

Fucking really dudes? Some of you guys act like you're 8 yo.

This thread just got good, all it was before was people fawning over a dead guy they didn't even personally know, wrapped up in their how it affects their own life. I'm tired of memorializing suicides, seen too many...and I'm not taking about ones I only knew via compact disc and YouTube...
D-Rock":ceinz1cl said:
This thread just got good, all it was before was people fawning over a dead guy they didn't even personally know, wrapped up in their how it affects their own life. I'm tired of memorializing suicides, seen too many...and I'm not taking about ones I only knew via compact disc and YouTube...
IMO, all this memorializing/etc isn't for the deceased. It's for those that are alive. All these negative comments aren't for Cornell. All these negative comments are for those that are grieving. Are these the kinds of things you'd walk up to his widow and say? I don't get the negativity, it just seems SOOOO misplaced.
9ball":1wlz1tdb said:
why were my comments deleted? fucking seriously? someone has an opinion a little bit different than you so you delete thier comments? what a bunch of fucking candy ass pussies you people are!!! but then these internet forums HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY LOL...
the fucking guy KILLED HIMSELF --- i do not feel sorry for him at all.
you know who i feel sorry for? a friend of mone - she has cancer - and 2 kids - was basiclly homeless when i met her 2 years ago AT A FUCKING HOSPITAL --- she lives in near poverty level income -- i have never heard her bitch or complain or feel sorry for herself one bit.... then some rock star that doesn't work for a living and can do whatever the fuck he wants and has it all fucking KILLS HIMSELF and all you fucking pussies call me the asshole because i don't act like i wanna sit around and talk about my feelings and how much i feel sorry for poor little rock star guy that hanged himself like a fucking jack ass....
fuck off lol

Its that dumb bitches fault for having kids.
SpiderWars":3fyfeopm said:
There's probably more similar history.

You have no idea. Carl is legendary for getting banned from gear forums for saying violent and racist shit. It goes back to the old message board days. I'm pretty sure he has some serious mental issues.
Depression and suicide are very hard to understand if you haven't experienced those thoughts yourself.
It is a constant state of mental "masturbation" where negative thoughts feed on themselves and by time they get bigger and can cause you to stop relating to the outside world so you become trapped in those thoughts and don't even know that there is a way out or that things can be different. You just cannot know what is going on in somenones head, and those people need compassion and understanding.

Think for a moment about this quote about suicide that I think is very true:

Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.
ejecta":3gsga72e said:
SpiderWars":3gsga72e said:
There's probably more similar history.

You have no idea. Carl is legendary for getting banned from gear forums for saying violent and racist shit. It goes back to the old message board days. I'm pretty sure he has some serious mental issues.

Me too. The voices inside his head must be quite loud.
Ive been covering some songs for a few days now.
Here is my last one I did earlier today.
My absolute favorite Soundgarden.
My humble tribute.

ElectricVoodoo":1sqgaawf said:
Ive been covering some songs for a few days now.
Here is my last one I did earlier today.
My absolute favorite Soundgarden.
My humble tribute.

Man. Don't even know your name. You' just kill it '
John. Thanks!!
It's affected me, so playing has become a type of therapy.
I try :doh:
Ok John. Just keep pumping out the Vids.
Yoiur stuff some the best out there. :thumbsup:
ElectricVoodoo":24nlqw8x said:
Ive been covering some songs for a few days now.
Here is my last one I did earlier today.
My absolute favorite Soundgarden.
My humble tribute.

Oddly that video proved to me many things:

The incredible talent of members here like ElectricVoodoo
The heartfelt kindness of people to offer up a tribute to someone they respected after they pass.
The mind blowing vocal ability of Chris Cornell in that particular song...and in so many others.
The odd tunings, the unique songwriting structure and fantastic lyrics of Soundgarden / Cornell.

That video made me happy in a week of utter sadness over the loss of someone so magnificent.