Slayer: Reign in Blood - 1986

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I vividly remember the day I bought RiB, we were in study hall and my friend Geoff showed me his copy on cassette and said "You have to hear this!" He let me borrow his tape for the next several classes (we had Walkmans on us lmfao) and I had my mom stop at Sound Warehouse on the way home so I could get my own copy. I remember thinking wtf as the tape was the same on side 1 and 2 but goddamn, it just ripped. To this day, it is one my all-time favorite albums.
I didn’t like it right away (might have been Tom’s singing style, not sure) but once it clicked for me, I was in love. Same thing happened with Vulgar. Hated the solid state guitar sound at first but over time the songs and groove wormed their way into my brain and I grew to love it. Suddenly I just couldn’t imagine any other kind of tone for it.
I didn’t like it right away (might have been Tom’s singing style, not sure) but once it clicked for me, I was in love. Same thing happened with Vulgar. Hated the solid state guitar sound at first but over time the songs and groove wormed their way into my brain and I grew to love it. Suddenly I just couldn’t imagine any other kind of tone for it.
Oh, seems I’m not alone. Tom sounds like gasping for air all the time ?
Back in those years, from a friend's contact, we had been able to hear that record before it was released. Back when we were mailing letters and trading tapes. As @JackBootedThug said. The Metallica fanboi in me got a hit! I don't listen much to Slayer these days but when SiriusXM brings a song while I am driving, I am sure going to crank the volume!
Oh, seems I’m not alone. Tom sounds like gasping for air all the time ?
Yeah, you’re alone. I loved them by the time South of Heaven came out and Tom, up through most of the 90’s, was one of my favorite vocalists in any genre.
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Yeah, you’re alone. I loved them by the time South of Heaven came out and Tom, up through most of the 90’s was one of my favorite vocalists in any genre.
Maybe I listened to wrong songs?

Sorry if I sound ignorant. Not meant to say anything bad about y’all’s preference if anything.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. Stopped by Discount Records in Oak Forest on the way to band practice.
My drummer and I cracked a beer, popped the cassette in his jam box, and silently listened beginning to end in utter awe. 28 minutes later, flipped it and listened again…Flipped it and listened again…Flipped it and listen again….Minds blown.
Don’t listen to techdeath though…he drunk posts about divine intervention being the greatest slayer album ever…it’s a good album but not the best one by far… he probably accidentally put the divine intervention cd in his right said Fred case and that’s why he thinks that… just saying…